Questions about skin conditions

last edited Oct. 19, 2023, 9:41 a.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness culture-summary


  1. hogu etilig om megite mee? hogu etilig unim amee (What skin sicknesses are there?)
  2. mehamonn om hogu etlig wi egee hann om megite mee? (What do you do to get rid of skin sickness?)
  3. hogu etilig marasin igu o wig? (What medicine is there for skin sickness?)
  4. hogu etilig hiyol ogoo singelinn egee igisinn? (Do some skin sickness last a long time?)
  5. hogu etilig mu oboo aleg om megite mee? (What is the road to not get skin sickness?)
  6. etilig om unim leprosi, nom hooyoom ig oo wig? (Do you know the sickness leprosy?)
  7. megite henee ogoo wayigom musom heb igung? (What causes a boil to come?)
  8. mehamonn wayigom musom hebigondoo holoo om megite mee? (What is the work to make a boil become small?)
  9. simonn oboob wayigom musom metulumoo, om hobol amee (Story about squeezing a boil with rope
  10. wayigom musom mu oboo aleg om megite mee? (How do you prevent boils from coming?)


interview - Semik, skin conditions
last edited Oct. 19, 2023, 9:41 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we get pain fevers and sores. I asked about grille) om ninil hogu etilig oo wig? om wig hogu humann 2: 0:00:42 hutee nomol giliminn igisinim heseb igisi hogu etilig nom hutee wi hann (another cure is to cut open vanilla, or to cook grass in hot water water and sit in the fumes, or we put halimum in a pot, cook it and wash with it.) 3: 0:01:23 (halimum, grass, salat) 4: 0:01:51 (sometimes yes, but they mean sickness generally. There's medicine though) 5: 0:02:31 egendee endet igisinn bili egee om igisinn (behave yourself, bad behaviour brings pain. You could cut yourself doing house work, falling down on the road, carrying a log. If I behave well I'll avoid sickness, if I behave badly I'll get sick.) 6: 0:03:44 (We don't know it) 7: 0:04:01 (blood gathers together and causes a sore. Others say i f we eat tinned fish we get sores, some also say if we eat umbi - a kind of mami we get sick) 8: 0:05:15 (We keep squeezing it with bush rope until it becomes dry and goes away) 10: 0:06:17 (we behave ourselves, we don't eat stuff) mee mee singu mu egee nug ig igel mena niyo nom his nemb igitug oo wayigom musom mu egee tebinn

Interview - Samuel, skin conditions
last edited Oct. 19, 2023, 9:41 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (skin sick exists, ninil mohis ninilog. If someone with ninil holds a child they can give it to them. Another is hegil munum it causes sores and if you don't wash them in water they get really big. There's also sores, they come nating, or they come when we cut ourselves.) 2: 0:01:40 (If you wash in deep water then you don't get skin sick and sores will clear quickly. Putting soap is good too.) 3: 0:02:18 (there's medicine. If we cut ourselves we get ndboolab and put it on it and the sore will be done. If we get hegil munum we wash in the river) 4: 0:03:06 (sometimes it lasts a long time, then people should confess and the pain and sores will finish. If they don't confess it'll keep hitting them) 5: 0:03:40 (If I look after myself and behave well I'll be happy.) 6: 0:04:03 (I don't know it) 7: 0:04:35 (If I get some thinking and a I speak badly to you. If I confess that the sores will go away) 8: 0:05:02 (If I don't have anything to confess it'll be small and go away. If I have something to confess I'll confess. If it's small I can take a rope and squeeze it to get rid of it. That's for small ones, for big ones I'll cut it with a knife) 9: 0:06:09 (keep your clothes clean, wash them frequently in the river. Also behaving well and not saying bad things about a brother)

Interview - Set, Skin sickness
last edited Oct. 19, 2023, 9:41 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (it's not sickness, ninil is a 2nd skin. Skin sickness is sores, pain, fever, diahhorea, head ache, skin cold, ear pain, spleen pain) 2: 0:01:25 (changed the question to how do you remove ninil. I have no idea what he said, something about becoming new means throwing away the ninil) 3: 0:02:08 (I don't know about any medicine for removing ninil) 4: 0:02:23 (Not sure what he said, something spiritual I think about going into the garden) 5: 0:02:54 (I don't know it) 6: 0:03:08 (we say it's something to do with ilees. I don't know what he's saying) 7: 0:03:43 (Some if you leave them they go away, the big ones we confess? I think he said. We also get ropes and squeeze them.) 8: 0:04:39 (We need to be wanbel)