Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(we get pain fevers and sores. I asked about grille) om ninil hogu etilig oo wig? om wig hogu humann
2: 0:00:42
hutee nomol giliminn igisinim heseb igisi hogu etilig nom hutee wi hann (another cure is to cut open vanilla, or to cook grass in hot water water and sit in the fumes, or we put halimum in a pot, cook it and wash with it.)
3: 0:01:23
(halimum, grass, salat)
4: 0:01:51
(sometimes yes, but they mean sickness generally. There's medicine though)
5: 0:02:31
egendee endet igisinn bili egee om igisinn (behave yourself, bad behaviour brings pain. You could cut yourself doing house work, falling down on the road, carrying a log. If I behave well I'll avoid sickness, if I behave badly I'll get sick.)
6: 0:03:44
(We don't know it)
7: 0:04:01
(blood gathers together and causes a sore. Others say i f we eat tinned fish we get sores, some also say if we eat umbi - a kind of mami we get sick)
8: 0:05:15
(We keep squeezing it with bush rope until it becomes dry and goes away)
10: 0:06:17
(we behave ourselves, we don't eat stuff) mee mee singu mu egee nug ig igel mena niyo nom his nemb igitug oo wayigom musom mu egee tebinn