Questions about blindness and paralysis

last edited Sept. 15, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness culture-summary


  1. mohis musom tuhum igu ig oo wig? (Are there any blind people here?)
  2. megite tugub mohis musom tuhum heleb igu? (How does someone become blind?)
  3. mohis musom tuhum musom peg egee hann, om loogooneeng ig oo wig ig? (Could a blind person see again?)
  4. mohis omonn yot nala God musom tuhum egee nann ig? (If someone behaves badly would God blind them?)
  5. mohis hot yot agabi, endet onn mu mandeb igu, mu salib igu, mohis endeteeng his igu oo wig? (Are there any paralysed people here?)
  6. mohis endeteeng hobol migimonn ig? megite tugub onn hot yot holot? (Have you ever heard of such a person?) What happened?)
  7. enn ab ogoo, England ogoo mohis hiyol ogoo yolu yab oo henee ubu et. Wog hot yot holot, obugum yot holot. menn hutam his bili holot. Wog ig unim “paralysed” amb igung. mohis endeteeng his igel hobol ogoo megite unim amb igitug ig? (What would you call a paralysed person?)
  8. mohis obugum hebigondoo oo hot hebigondoo igu? Endeteeng obugum hutam holoogul heleb omoo obugum hiyol ogoo malum heleb igu, mohis endeteeng igu ig oo wig ig? (Has anyone ever had a shrivelled arm or leg?)
  9. om megite tugub obugum holot? (How did it happen?)
  10. obugum oo hot hebigondoo bili egee hann oo wig? (Did it get better?)


Interview - Semik. skin blindness and paralysis
last edited Sept. 15, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (there are some, lots. There are lots who can't read. All ages there are some who can read and some who can't - musom lutoo igung. We don't know how to read, our eyes are blind - musom tuhum, musom lutoong yam. People put marks and we can say them. A few are truly blind - musom om noogul lutugee, they don't go here or there - musom lutinn. Pabel om heb haga, they see snow. They confirm my mime of a blind man walking is musom tuhum) 2: 0:01:28 (someone who just eats meat? may become blind, that's what we say) 3: 0:01:44 (to see again we need to see wanbel, if we have right thinking in the village we'll see the hevi go and we'll see - musom lete heb igu. If that doesn't work we can go to the haus sik and they'll scratch our eyes and they'll get better) 4: 0:02:15 (yes God can close their vision - musom egee ta pannab igu) 5: 0:02:29 (There are people like that. One limb could be small, a leg could have died and the other is ok. Going around doesn't work so they just sit and lie down. They use walking sticks and stay close, they go round like that, people with bad legs) 6: 0:03:26 (they fall from trees and break legs. They fall from houses, break hips. Are some people born with bad legs? Yes, a few are their mother gives birth and they have bad legs. Lots fall down and break their legs. We call them mohis hot yot holot) 7: 0:04:31 (mohis umo yab ogoo igu. That's dead, that's dead, just his face is alive. His arms and legs are dead and just his eyes and mouth) 8: 0:05:44 (there are some. one arm is small one is big, they are here. Guy points to his own arm and it's small. How is it small? Did you break it? No it didn't break, I elbowed a tree and it went bad. I didn't fall down, it was a fence. My arm became small. If you get medicine it'll be fine, but I didn't and my arm became small. That's a good arm, that's a bad arm.) 10: 0:07:39 (If you are given medicine it will get better, if you don't then it won't and it'll get small. If you have medicine it can be strong, but if you don't it'll be weak)

Samuel - interview about blindness
last edited Sept. 15, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 mohis musom tuhum wog endet om meeg oo hum mandeb igu mandeb igung mandoob mungi oo endet mehamonn lolom ungitum musom om masagil yab igu oo nim hot hutee yomboo pata wendeb wig nom heb igu oomoo enn musom nom ee egee yot haga egee yot heleb egee teb wi honnot mangi hann hot legenn om musom nomol yogumo egee iguwot nom poloolob ligee lebinn laba eeg oomoo tuguwol humann heleb om musom tuhum holot aleg heb wig om mandenim ab ogoo lumbeb sindee agamb igu sindee igisisi teme undum wo mandeb mena oboob tele asasi om oboob alatugub sasi nemb agamb igu 2: 0:00:46 endet mohis musom tuhum egee heleb igugund om hutee endet ogol musu ogoo hobol og angoond endet hoolo his abagam yot egee helis moo hutee ogoo musu musom ombi yo pasum egee noolug yab egee ig oo mogog ig oo hus ig oo mena yam ig oo endet nomboo nemb ab eb tu etilig nom musom egee tebinn endet nom musom om heb aleg om heb yooguwa yab mee om heb omboo nongoom om musom om yot heleb i asi musom tuhum heleb enn tol sindee egee igisinn nom endeteeng onn etilig hutee teb iguwot nom egee ilinn 3: 0:01:28 nom ig loogooneeng wig musom egee yot hann om endet ig mehamonn hutee nom hutee mu egee bili hann onn musu endet egee hobol og egee angoom endet nom hutee loogooneeng nomboo ogoo tebinn nom musu nom bili tugug enn oo undum hebigondoo aleg enn oo musom om peg om egee hann om musu loogooneeng nom mu bili tugann nom musom mu egee peg hann om nomboo egee igisinn 4: 0:01:57 mohis hutee endet omonn yot nala god noogul inda got om punis nom egee nann onn nala egenn oo musom egee tuhum hann nom etilig yab toboogot nom ab nomboo igu teenn his hogu etilig yab toboot om nom hutam his 5: 0:02:21 ig ab ogoo mohis endeteeng nom ab ogoo hum agamb igu mu mandeb igugund salib mu igugund mohis endet hot om hebigondoo oo ib henee om egee igisinn om obugum egee igisinn om salib lolomb igugund oo obugum og wig hot om humann om minee igitasi mohis mena neleb wog asasi nemb igugund nom endet inda onnol mohis endeteeng nom mesisoo yogumo ina ogoo endeteeng nom hum igisinn heb nala ina his sonn ndugub igu es sonn ndugub iguwot nom om endeteeng agamb igugund 6: 0:03:09 mohis endeteeng nom hutee mehamonn mehamonn neleb mandeb hutee hot om egee wombagab egis hutee endet holoomot humum holoomot humum yab egee wonda huta hot om wambagab wasi mohis nom bili oomoo endeteeng negee igisinn hutee ina endeteeng ogoo oboob piginn wog pigab nomboo igisinn ina endeteeng egee oboob piginn nom endet hobol og egee angoond endeteeng nom 7: 0:03:39 etilig egee angonn mundi hot ogoo ubu puguwa nom puguwa hot manda nom ee teenn hum wi hala onn oo om nami egee nemb his egee agamb iguwot nom ig amb igung nom endet hot mundi hot yomboo wombagab hot obugum om umut uma endet hes manda mohis ligilog haga inemb igu salib mandeb igugund oo mundi hot om puguwa wom heseb omboo umut umut ogoo om inemb his agamb igugund nom huta hot om nogum wi holot ig endeteeng nom amb igung nom egee angoom obugum hot nog teenn umut 8: 0:05:09 endet hoolo igugund ig ab omboo ig ina hutam endeteeng igu ina endet yoolu yab obugum om wonda hat oo obugum hebigondoo holot omboo oboob igu om hutam his mehamonn a nagand hot hiyol hiyol bili igu ab hiyol ogoo endet hot obugum hiyol hot hiyol endeteeng yo toloo nom igugund agamb igung ina onn endeteeng yo ogoo pigeb igu om hutee endet mohis mehamonn neleb mandeb hot endet wombagab higeb igugund nom endeteeng agamb igu 9: 0:05:50 mu egee bili hann nom yot ogot om nomboo egee igisinn om bili agamb i yot hala nom hobol og egee angoom endeteeng nom neleb egee bili hann oo hebigondoo ina endeteeng oboob pi nom mu egee bili hann om teenn nomboo egee igisinn obugum om yot hiyol om umo humann endeteeng igisinn

Interview - Set, blindness
last edited Sept. 15, 2023, 2:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(this interview sucked) 1: 0:00:00 (we have them. My eyes have shadows I don't see clearly. Lots of us don't see clearly - he's speaking figuratively.) 2: 0:00:35 (we don't have a road for mondzog, we don't know. I think he's saying that we have a few people that can read. He says something I don't understand about bamboo) 3: 0:01:49 (some people can make it right - I assume he means learn to read. We have 2 people that can read, it's a few.) 4: 0:03:22 (yes - but my question didn't make sense to him) 5: 0:03:59 (There's lots of those in PNG, here there aren't, but in town.) 6: 0:04:43 (from world war 1, he seems confused.) 7: 0:05:15 (they discuss what to say. ta kala, aleg mandeb ta kaga. Those people will stay inside.) 8: 0:07:15 (my sister, Gogogom broke her arm and there's no strength) 9: 0:07:52 (she had it as a child )