Questions about snakes and longlong

last edited Oct. 18, 2023, 8 a.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness culture-summary


  1. andu mohis ogoomata, mohis etilig egee hann ig? (If a snake bites a man will he get sick?)
  2. andu enn ogoomata, mehamonn loogooneeng om megite mee? (What is the right thing to do if a snake bites me?)
  3. nobug hobol ig “longlong man” amb igung. igel hobol ogoo om megite mee ? (What's tok ples for crazy?)
  4. longlong mohis igu ig oo wig ig? (Are there crazy people here?)
  5. megite tugub mohis longlong holot ig? (How did they become crazy?)
  6. megite tugub yog longlong mohis tulomb iguguma ig? (How do you look after crazy people?)
  7. longlong mohis moo wendinim eb oo onnol wendinim eb megite mehamonn neleb iguguma ig? (If a crazy person wants to hurt himself or others what do you do?)
  8. hiyol ogoo longlong mohis bili egee hann ig oo wig? (Sometimes do crazy people get better?)


Interview - Semik, snakes and longlong
last edited Oct. 18, 2023, 8 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (they'll get really sick and die) 2: 0:00:37 (eat a particular tree bark, grate a stone and put it on to finish the poison and get better. If the person has musu pinot then they'll die. Do all snakes have poison? No, lots don't, there are 2 that do a small snake and another. Do you know of someone who died? yes a Kobumbua man died, he was on a game trail. A snake was in a hole and bit his foot, he got sick from the venom and died.) 3: 0:03:13 mohis abonn abonn hoolo mohis 4: 0:03:43 (over there not, there was an old lady, she died. In Tolookum there's one, Samuel's brother) 5: 0:04:23 omonn hiyol ogoo endet mu noolo egee iguwot hobol noogul angee mu noolo iguwot nom neleb i homongot abonn abonn hagand yam buk baibel angee endet mu nalas egee omonn yot nom mu nalas iguwot nom ig mohis homongot abonn abonn hagand nom mehamonn nom nagand neleb wondoob homongot bili om musu bili om ig lagagee musu yot nom hutee omboo igita hala woo musu salamb mandoogoond 6: 0:05:17 (if they're chilll we look after them, if they get ideas they wander off. If they behave well they stay, if they aren't we send them away, if they're violent) 7: 0:05:55 (we block their machete with a stick and we hold them. We'll think about beating them with sticks so they get scared and run away) 8: 0:06:43 (some get better, if they haven't done bad things. If they confess their bad and leave it they get better. Some don't and they go, go and die)

Interview - Samuel, snakes
last edited Oct. 18, 2023, 8 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (if a snake bites a person they'll die. Bad people get this hevi, humann people get bitten, but take medicine and get better) 2: 0:00:48 (put tobacco leaves, confess to God and the leaders, try bush medicine.) 3: 0:01:52 ig hobol ogoo mohis abonn abonn hoolo heb igung (your brother is one? he was ok, but when uncle died should have worked a wanbel but he went crazy and his wife left him, his kids left. My brother's ok, he went to the nambis. Is he still crazy? yes, if he gets better he will come. The reason I said already, he didn't do a wanbel) 4: 0:03:50 (I looked after him, but he wanted to go to your helicopter. I had to stop him and hit him with a stick. He had to go away and I'm sorry about that.) 5: 0:04:34 (he never tried to hit himself, but he did hit others, he got bad thoughts and hit others, and then others hit him. So how he's doing now at the nambis I don't know) 6: 0:05:31 (I've said. If he puts stuff right then he'll get better.)

Interview - Set, Snakes
last edited Oct. 18, 2023, 8 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (yes) 2: 0:00:18 (put on the tree for it and you'll get better, you can put tobacco and it'll pull the poison out) 3: 0:01:11 musu tagug koolo 4: 0:01:34 (no, there's one in Tolookum though) 5: 0:01:58 (I can't say it right, people closer could say it but not me) 6: 0:02:27 (the might look after them, or he might have gone to the nambis. I think he's gone, they don't look after him) 7: 0:03:04 (we'll tell them how to behave and if they behave well they stay) 8: 0:03:55 (if he puts his thinking well then he'll get better)