Questions about bush medicine

last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:29 p.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness culture-summary


  1. otoloo malasin om megite me? hutam hutam unim amee (What bush medicine is there?)
  2. megite tugub hus hot malasin neleb iguguma ig? (How do you make banana skin medicine?)
  3. ongulumee sog malasin om megite mee? (What is ongulmee leaf medicine?)
  4. alimum malasin om megite mee? (What is alimum medicine?)
  5. otoloo malasin wees igu ig? (Are there other medicines?)
  6. otoloo malisin om ilol heibogondoo holo igu ig? (Is there bush pain medicine?)
  7. megite henee ogoo honn ogoo mohis malasin nemb bili egee hann, nom honn ogoo malisin nemb yot egee hann? (Why does medicine work only sometimes?)
  8. mohis etilig mohis honnot malasin nemb, bili egee hann ig? honn ogoo malasin endet holoogul wig? (Will white man medicine always work?) Does it not work sometimes?)


Interview - Semik, bush medicine
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 otoloo malasin ig ogoo his amoong yam nom nom hutee simonn nomol mesilog yonda nomoong yam nom simonn hutee halimum hogu nonot heleb om agamb omboo nomol ogoo pigeb nomol his isoong yam hutee yoobug henee egee igel loogom oboong yam oo etilig wi hala ogootooloob nomol nonot otoosu yam nim bal bal sog oboong yam yonnoo sog oboong yam nomol otusu ooguwa yi hogu oboob tol endet igisisu nomol nonot ilib omboo libigee wayi siliginee ilib egemee nomol om isigoom yam iseb agamamom mee mee obug nim humee humee yoonnom bal bal om egee yoobug henee nom oboob lolomb ogooteb egee amoot etilig heb igu wi tugub haga nom meteb egenn nom hutee nesil enda halimum om hutee yab hum pagab henee nom nomoong yam nom malasin otoloo heb noomoong yam halimum hutee 2: 0:01:19 hus hot om hus hot om yab heb igung hot omboo higeb igung hot higeb igung hes om hi pannab ogootooloob hot pigisi yab igita nala mut omboo etesi egee etesi ooguwa nim malum isim endet egee yann omboo yooguwa wayigom omboo higeb igugum oomoo wayigom wi heleb igu nom hus malasin heb igung ndoobulab sooguwa yom nom hot nom hi pannab ogooteleb nomol pigis endet egee yann yab yab yab i wi hala ogooteleb hot obugum peleg ogoo teb omboo atasi ooguwa endet nim malum osi omboo egee yann yooguwa heb igung oo wayigom wi heleb igu hutee oboogot oboogot teb tuloomb ogoo igu nim bogoloo egee ligot oboogot nom oboob igung oo hutee nim malum osug enn oo wayigom hum egee yann yab wi hala mut obugum pis omboo helenne hala wayigom wi heleb igu hutee ongulumee ongulumee endeteeng ninimaluma osu wayigom om egee yann nomol om yooguwa heb igung wayigom wi heleb igu wayigom otoloo malasin heb egee nang yam mee unim egee angoom 3: 0:02:36 nom onn nomol om ongulumee sog nomboo ninimalusi wayigom omboo egee yann yab teb yab ta wayigom wi hann heb 4: 0:02:49 halimum malasin hutee tutumul ilool malasin nomol ogoo hum pigeb nomol iseb igung nom tutumul hutee isim omboo yab tondee hum pigeb ooloogum om wombagab mesil enda nom nemb igung nom malasin 6: 0:03:08 ilool heb igung nom yonnoo ebeb igung yonnoo yab pannab ogooteleb omboo endet ebegeleb igung endet ebegesi heb igu ilool ilool innuwo ilool nom hegil yab i iginn ilool egee wi tugann wi tugula heb igung oo malasin hutee innuwo heb igung om salap om ilool malasin heb igung 7: 0:03:38 nom malasin egee ninn nemb egee ninn oo musu abagam sigig om hutee pinot wig nom egee bili hann honn ab agang sigig pinot egee igisinn nom onnol musu nom wog omboo pinot yot egee hann em bel hevi wantaim em olsem na em bai dring malasin na em bai mekim wanem ye em nogat em bai stap sik bai stap wantaim em na em bai i dai oo em kamapim bel hevi bilong em em bai orait onn musu noog peg tugub em bili hann 8: 0:04:30 om musu nom loogooneeng tugub teli mohis honnot malasin puguwasi yab nemb hum egee bili hann honn ogoo mohis honnot malasin holoogul wig hum nemb etilig agabi hala nom onnol musu nom mu pigee hum teenn libigot omboo honnot malasin utasi egee ninn oomoo mu egee etilig mu egee wi tugann wi tugula hutee om tala ogoo wi haga onnol musu egee henn hevi wi tugub teb aminn "enn ogoo ilinim om liba malasin utasi nemb egee wi hann" endet amb

Interview - Samuel bush medicine
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (ndoobulab, setli for going on wounds. Alimum for on fevers. We wash with it and fevers go. Alimum for mesil, we inhale it's vapours. We can also heat water and get Moli, Wab or onombuli leaves. We get grass, cook it in water. We cover it and inhale the vapours. If we cut ourselves we get banana trunk, cook it and twist it onto the wound, there's also ongulumee, we squeeze that on too.) 2: 0:01:41 (If we take bush medicine we get better) 3: 0:02:26 (people that get better don't have thinking, if they still have musu pinot then they won't get better, the pain will be big, so they should get good thinking) 4: 0:03:17 mohis honnot malasin nom holoogul asam heb ig toloo malasin nom endet iba holoo iba holoo omoo om his endee holoo his (if we don't go to the haus sik we use bush medicine and we also have to put our talk, same for the big medicine we talk to God. We ask God and the sick goes) 5: 0:04:07 (he won't get better, if he puts his thinking then he'll get better.)

Interview - Set, bush medicine
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:29 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(the Matat vocabulary is quite different) 1: 0:00:00 (we have something to put on sores, we have leaves too. We put banana sap onto sores. igəm sog goes on sores. kulum tukultum tandenn is for diahorrhea. kondugangil is for belly pain. mangas leaves. kulilo simonn. tobacco leaves go on sores. Sugar can be used) 2: 0:02:57 (yes we put banana and koniak sap on sores) 3: 0:03:25 (it goes on sores) 4: 0:03:39 (said alimom instead of alimum, they didn't know it) 5: 0:03:44 (tum keligel, yonnoo? yes we use ninno) 6: 0:04:26 (If God hears the sick person then they will get better, they take medicine and get better) 7: 0:04:53 (many will get better if they have white man medicine. Our ancestors didn't have it. Now medicine has come with you guys and we'll get better)