Lutheran church history in Kokoma

last edited July 6, 2023, 8:25 a.m. by Steve

5-14 Denominations & Sects 3-1 History & Trends steve-DA


Sibil wanted to tell me about the Lutheran church history in Kokoma. He told the story in Tok Pisin first and then went to Kovol. This happened straight after Elilim teen dies climbing a buai


Sigig was apologetic to tell the story saying that he should have told us as soon as we came. The story was given straight after the death of a young man in Elilim. I get the impression. Sigig felt he needed to deal with some guilt he felt at not telling us so that nothing bad would happen in Kokoma.


Sibil - Lutheran church in Kokoma tpi
last edited July 6, 2023, 8:25 a.m. by Steve

Sibil - Lutheran church in Kokoma kgu
last edited July 6, 2023, 8:25 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

enn ilu ogoo mog (dispela) egenn enn hobol om olooguwo (bihain) hibabiginn enn hobol otoom buk baibel egee toboot nom egenn nim sog egee toboot nom egenn nim sog Jon Peil (White man who carried bible here) obugum ogoo agamb egee ingis obugum ogoo egemee lebegee hobol isig egee toboot (John) nom aleg nom salamb his totol (evangelist, tok ples hetman, God's servant) om taba ennel ilib oboob heleb ab om omboo ubugum ubub ab 3-pela komuniti ennel wog esigim lugum (mi bungim ol) osigim lugum omboo see om hobol om ogoo igu igita omonn sooguwa pubunn (brand new) toboogot om olol (antap) omboo tebegee (you're building on top of this) toboogot omboo hobol henee nom egenn hobol enn amisi yog hutee noobug hobol amug eb hala igitas om womoom endeteeng buk om wog oboob heleb Anamag Ugi (An old guy's name) tomb (same guy) Jon Peil oboob toboot oboob teb Ugi obugum ogoo pigoot nim sog nim hogu ogoo toboot nim hogu wog teb i Ugi obugum ogoo pigoot enn tandeng tugub endeteeng egee aminim mohis unim hutee ogootoolug hutam egee aminim (Ugi, not mentioning everyone) piguwa ogootooloob onn oboob i Dibol (name of man) obugum ogoo pigoot Dibol obugum ogoo piguwa ogootooloob Dibol om oboob i ingis ab ogoo toboot taba enn om oboob i Kokoma ab ogoo pigoom pigisi Tolookum komuniti Kokoma komuniti Pusila komuniti osigim lub oboogoond hobol hot hes sonn ndugub nomol ogoo oboogoond nomol oboogoond see om onnol ab olol omboo ogoo tebegee (kam antap long dispela) hobol nooloomung igisisu hot om hes egee pigoom (putim bun bilong tok ples klia) sooguwa om heleb olol omboo egee toboogot (the new talk will build on the old) nom egee pigoom nom enn ooboogooloob igisisi yog olol egee toboogama musu nom hum egee pigoom mehamonn noolo mohis nog ogoo looboom (mi kisim wokman kam long hia) lebesi mohis ab ombul hutam nom Kokoma Tolookum Pusila ogoo osigim lumemind osigim lub hobol migimemind hobol migemb hobol nog migimasi pastol teb nomol wosatoot (baptising) nomol wosatoob unim nononn nom ab nomboo yog osoot (givim name to us) yog esinim eb ogooteleb i ig tatugum hooloogul agamoot helis yoohal megel nom ulungul yoowut magul mee mee teenn hooloogul om teenn oboob teb hes pigoomung (puttim ples klia) hes pigeb higitunn nooloob helis lumootoob a (they shot the helis) hobol amb imbulee (gesturing with agression before a fight) pigoob nooloob i ogootooloob mut ogoo tooloomung mut ogoo tooloob mut otoosu ooguwa ogooteleb i hubi mundil lub (givim baksait long spirit) mee mee teenn mut egee otoong hubi onn minda nom mut ogoo otoong heb amb i ilib ig nomol looboomung Jisas unim ogoo nomol looboomung nomol oboob i unim Kristen nom egee oboomung honn nomboo oboomung ig mee mee hooloogul om teenn ogootusu mut ogoo yooguwa ogooteleb i ilib i unim Kristen unim oboomung tatugum hot mehamonn nelemind nom enn egee neleb a libigoom nom nom inda nala enn om egee nagam nom musu nom wog ilib hes egee pigoom (putim ples klia) hobol om egee wi tugugam