Correcting a thieving child

last edited Sept. 1, 2023, 11:19 a.m. by Philip

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 3-15 Social Problems & Issues Philip-DA


I asked Mula to address me as if I was his thieving child. We were sitting with a bunch of guys in Mere's house. Everyone thought it was funny that he was talking to me like that.


Mula - correcting a thieving child
last edited Sept. 1, 2023, 11:19 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Mula

Orthographic text

hundum, sinde omboo agamb Enn nobug nom sogot Noonn heb oboob noongonn homonn nom neleb Enn hobol angom yam Mu salangonn. Salamb i pasum om neleb Meme noongonn Tol sinde habu meme nom hig ebeb Noongonn Nom neleb nonn ina meme hig ebeb Noongonn. ig nonn hundum omboo ig meme nonnol hig tugub niya heb i no heb hobol ogoo angoom oo nonn mu hoyom hogonn. hoyom heleb Sinde mehamonn om endet nolonn i Meme nemb wi tugub Ogooteleb i Om ebeb i egemee pigonn. Egemee pigeb yann Meme hig noongonn. Pasum noongonn Mogog meme ig pasum noongonn. monduguwa meme oguwol oo. heb i, musomb eel lib mandeb mehamonn yot tugeninn og eb hobol tol sinde ogoo angoom yam. angoom oo nonn mu hoyom hongonn. (Nonn mu) hoyom leb i, yab pasum meme endet nemb yot tugub i yooguwa mohis ennel logonenn no hoogoom. mohis hiyol ogoo no hoogoond. heb hobol om es. hobol agabi tugub Amasi Mehamonn om ogootooloob Angom oo Nonn hologul hot omboo hobol angoom a mu migingonn yam dete neleb yab i. Nonn ab yombonn omboo mee singelingo igito, homonn nom hute musu ogoo mu pigonn yam. Tagug heleb i homonn yot om ebeb i Agabi tugenim eb nogonn. omboo su om hobol egee nongo angoom oo Migemb i Nom homonn nom ogootooloob. Mena hot nom singumann noongonn. monduguwa ab yombonn meme nom singu om yogonn homonn nom neleb (bikhet) hologul hot agabi nenim eb Nogonn. Omboo enn hobol hoyom su om egee nonong angom. Omboo nonn ute hom olombeb igite. omboo enn musu (ebigondo / tanndenn) endeteenn. om nonong egee aminim eb egee angoom oo. musu nom egee nonn angom omboo hoyom heleb Eegende malum heleb igite. Enn hobol tesime tandenn hom egee angom.