instructions for spear fishing - Samuel

last edited Sept. 20, 2023, 9 a.m. by Philip

1-9 Hunting & Fishing Philip-DA


I asked Samuel to give me instructions for Spear fishing as if I was his child and going to go fishing for the first time. Bobbi was there and then Silas a little later as we transcribed and checked it together.


instructions for spear fishing - Samuel
last edited Sept. 20, 2023, 9 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Samuel

Orthographic text

hobol undum noonn hombol ta wolo hobol nom egee amug. mesag undum noonn yab heey oo. umi igilimut hi pannab oboob lib egee heninn oo. yogob oboob egee heninn oo. umi igilimut ogoo egee utininn. utub piguwa noonn honn hutee egee pigininn. omboo endet egee neninn. endet neleb ogootooloob egee pigininn. pet ooguwa salib egee heninn oo. oboob oo nomol ogoo egee yaninn. om gumi egee humee lumininn. humee lub hombol ta endet egee wenim eb ogootooloob neleb egee heninn. bili hala oboob egee yaninn. yab nomol ogoo yab, egee heninn oo. igindunn, musom ogoo piguwo, nom oboob egee heninn oo. egee pibugeninn. nomol ogoo pibugula bili hala honnot hala ogootooloob. nomol heem yogumo egee yaninn. noonnol wesimee egee yaninn. nom yab egee heninn. nomol iseb hombol ta woloob habandum (u)lumo nomboo egee heninn. simonn hutee egee hi pannab ebegeninn. oboob his hogu omboo pigeb egee humee lumininn ig oo. ebegeninn ig oo. nom oboob yogumo egee yaninn. yab hombol ta woloob egee heninn oo. noonnol nomol yogumo omboo agamb habandum egee lumininn. (u)lub ooboogooloob ilib hombol ta woloob habandum (u)lub endet egee ilininn yab i. noonn tutumul ilib egee heninn oo. ogootooloob egeme heleb agamb, nom mut egee ata enn. mut ata ooguwa agab agamb i. pombonn heleb ogootooloob hom egee isininn. hom egee isininn om ende holo his hom egee neninn. hombol ta woloob, habandum (u)lub endet egee neleb egee ilininn yab i. huligog isomboo ilib ogootooloob, nom egee heninn oo. hombol ta loogooneeng wondoob oboob i. nom (e)leb egee libininn. egee libininn ilib egee heninn oo. nomol ta ogoo hutee haga heninn oo. hombol ta nom mesisoo ogoo alugutub teninn. mesisoo alugutub tala wi hala ogootooloob. nomol ogoo pibugub oboob oo ab ogoo egee libininn. ilib teme undum wog asa egee heeyis oo. wog helennee egee tugelis. helennee tugub wi tugub ogootooloob, mena nog egee embis. ombob atasi ooguwa ogooteleb mena nog imb piguwasi egee nuwa niyasi egee wi hann. nom hobol nom undum egee noonoong angoom.