Knowledge from God changing the heart

last edited Oct. 20, 2023, 11:08 a.m. by Philip

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 5-8 Divination & Revelation 5-1 Gods & Spirits Philip-DA


This is a retelling of the candlelight service by Sivil. I played the recording to him in my office and he retold it so I could have a clear copy. Later, I checked the transcription and meaning with Samuel.


meemee om onnol ab enene ogoo lobogot, om.. ig mu hooyom hang. samting em kam long asples bilong en, yumi no save long em (thinking about how we came. We wouldn't be able to come, but we did.)

meemee om, onnol ab enene ogoo lobogot, om.. endete hotugunee yombonn, onnol usomot. (olsem na em wokim skai na graun)

meemee om onnol, teenn usomot, omboo.. (olgeta samting em stretim, tasol...)

onnol olob (Imengis) (eleb - Matat) (em kam daun)

agabi tuguga. (wokim i go bikpela)

agabi tuguguwot omboo.. (wokim i go bikpela, na..)

su om ogoo, mise mise ilo, nom mise mise ilo, (nau taim bilong amamas, em taim bilong amamas)

nom igom agabi tuguga yam. (na nupela em (God) mekim i go bikpela)

igom agabi tuguguwot yam omboo.. (nupela em mekim i go bikpela, na..)

mohis nom, eenneel ogoo igu. (man hia (God) i stap wantaim mi)

yo huta hutam yogol ogoo igu. (yupela wanwan em i stap wantaim yupela)

mohis nom, meemee egee hogot nom... (man hia (God) em lukim ol samting)

su om hogu mise mise ilib (i (no) bilong amamasim bodi) (not just an emotion)

egemee yoguwo wig. (na go autsait nogat (lusim God, nogat)) (don't just hear about God in church and then forget about him as you leave. keep thinking about him wherever you are)

ig abagam om om om hobol ogoo migimoong yam, om.. (insait long bel bilong mipela tok yumi harim i stap)

migingoom yam om endeteeng. (mi harim i stap olsem)

eenn abagam om mu hooyom haga. (bel bilong mi i no save)

mu migingee. (mi no harim)

mu migingot omboo sembelee sembelee amb igisisi, (mi no harim tasol, repeating and repeating toktok i stap)

eenn abagam om egee migiminn. (bel bilong mi bai harim)

egee hooyom hann. (na bel bilong mi bai save)

endeteeng omboo, su om honn agabisig. (olsem na nau yet, em bikpela de)

honn agabi omboo, fokono (pidgin) yombonn om (em bikpela de na fokono (the four corners of the ground - everyone) bilong graun, em)

teenn mee omboo mise mise ligoond. (olgeta i amamas long dispela samting - everyone is happy about this thing)

omboo ig ogoo liboong (na yumi kam long en)

hogu mise mise ilib (i no bilong amamasim bodi)

egemee yoguwo wig. (na go autsait, nogat)

eenn abagam yogomo om om om hooyom olob (eleb), heb (insait long bel bilong mi, kisim save, lukim)

nogul heb. (lukim em i tru)

huta hutam oboob yab igitomboo igu. (yumi wanwan kisim i go i stap long dispela samting (thinking about these things) i stap)

omboo, monduguwa noog omboo hobol tandeeng hum egee angoom. (na wantaim ol brata olsem, mi tok nating)

nogul. (i tru)

This is not necessarily about cargo cult. He focuses on how it is not about the things we can get, but about a change of heart. He says that the missionaries came with good knowledge, but it isn't necessarily something for the body. It is for the heart.


candlelight service - respoken
last edited Oct. 20, 2023, 11:08 a.m. by Philip

    Speaker: Sivil

Orthographic text

mee mee om onnol ab enenee ogoo looboogot, om, ig mu hooyom hang. mee mee om, onnol ab enenee ogoo looboogot, om, endete hootugunee yombonn, onnol usomoot. mee mee om onnol, teenn usomoot, omboo, onnol (oo)loob agabi tuguga. agabi tuguguwot omboo, su om ogoo, misee misee iluwo, nom misee misee iluwo, nom igom agabi tuguga yam. igom agabi tuguguwot yam omboo, mohis nom, ennel ogoo igu. yog hutam hutam yogol ogoo igu. mohis nom, mee mee egee hogot nom, su om hogu misee misee ilib egemee yooguwo wig. ig abagam om om om hobol ogoo migimoong yam, om, migingoom yam om endeteeng. enn abagam om mu hooyom haga. mu migingee. mu migingot omboo sembelee sembelee amb igisisi, enn abagam om egee migiminn. egee hooyom hann. endeteeng omboo, su om honn agabisig. honn agabi omboo, (fo kona) yombonn om teenn mee omboo misee misee ligoond. omboo ig ogoo liboong hogu misee misee ilib egemee yooguwo wig. enn abagam yogumo om om om hooyom (oo)loob, heb noogul heb. hutam hutam oboob yab igitomboo igu. omboo, monduguwa noog omboo hobol tandeng hum egee angoom. noogul.