Interviews about good and bad behaviour

last edited Oct. 25, 2023, 3:13 p.m. by Steve

3-25 Etiquette & Ethics culture-summary


  1. omonn yot om megite mee? mehamonn mu noolo nom hobol amee (what is bad behaviour, story about things you shouldn't do)
  2. megite mehamonn mohis yot neleb igu ig? (what work does a bad person do?)
  3. megite mehamonn mohis bili neleb igu ig? (what work does a good person do?)
  4. honn honn ogoo mohis hutee mehamonn mu noolo neleb iguwot, onn bili egee pugub igu ig oo wig ig? (if a man does bad things all the time will he sit down well or not?)
  5. ab yombonn ogoo mohis yot ubiyab igugund oo hutam hutam singu igugund? (are there lots of bad people in the earth or just some)
  6. nonn musu om megite mee, nonn mohis bili oo mohis yot? (do you think you are a good person?)
  7. omonn bili om mehamonn seleng oo mehamonn bili? (is good behaviour easy or hard? Not a well understood question)
  8. mohis hutam igu endet om mehamonn yot hutam mu naga, honn honn ogoo bili naga yam, omonn yot hutam mu naga. mohis endet nom igu ig oo wig ig? (is there a man who only ever does good and never does bad? Seems to have been understood as whether there are men who don't do certain sins)


Interview - Semik, good and bad behaviour
last edited Oct. 25, 2023, 3:13 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 omonn yot om mohis wogoonoong mu hoolo endet amb igung teme mu mee mee too heb igung ab yombonn ogoo mu amo heb igung oboob sigig mu amo heb igung pasum obo mu yab heb igung nom omonn yot nom mu egee neninn nom ab yombonn ogoo singilinn ogoo agamb noonnol mee mee es ndugub nemb egee igisinn i heb endet nom amb igung mohis es ndugub egee igisinn i amb igung omonn yot oomoo om egee neninn yam oo ab yombonn singilinn ogoo mu egee igisinim heb endet nom amb igung eeg nom ta om hutee noonn umo egee es sannann heb endet nom amb igung omonn yot woo hobol amb igugund nom endet nom amb igung 2: 0:00:57 omonn yot neleb igung nom moo mohis wog wendeb igung pasum neleb igung teme mee mee too om metulub igung omonn yot nom neleb igung ab yombonn ogoo holoogob amb igung mena hot holoogob amb igung egee nang yam nom omonn omonn yot eneng mu nalas egee higoond yam nom ig nom nang yam hobol nom egee angoom (doing bad things, hitting people, stealing, leaving your wife, getting cross about ground or food. Don't do the bad things.) 3: 0:01:40 mohis omonn bili nom egee salamb igitas ooguwasi egee igung nom mohis ilu yab nom taba ilu eb obugum humee ooboogooloob mogog elagas mena hotu nemb igung nom ilu yab nom bili heb igugund hobol amb bili tugub igung moo hutee mee mee omboo igisininn yab ig mu higeb igung moo hutee endet teme onnol omboo mandinn yam mu mee mee teb igung ab yombonn ogoo holoogob mu amb igung pasum mu neleb igung nom omonn bili heb igung omonn bili endet igitug nom ab yombonn ogoo singilinn ogoo igitug heb endet nom amb igung omonn bili heb agamb igung nom hobol endet nom amb igung egee angoom (liking people, giving people food, tobacco and buai, talking good, not coveting?, not going around with women, not stealing, doing good things and you'll live long) 4: 0:02:32 (he won't be here, he'll die. A good person won't get sick and will be ok. A bad person gets sick and dies) 5: 0:03:42 (there's lots of bad people, not everyone is good, lots of bad - men, women and children. Here in the community it's a few, but there's lots of bad. We see it in the community and there's a few good people) 6: 0:05:05 (I couldn't say, I'm a bad person, I'm not good. A few people might say they're good, not me) 7: 0:05:37 (doing good isn't hard, doing bad is hard. If you do good things will be good, you'll have food and meat and your kids will be healthy. If you do bad you'll be short and your kids will get sick and that's hard.) 8: 0:06:44 (there are a few of those, that don't do bad and only do good. Not stealing, not taking women they're around.)

Interview - Joel, bad behaviour
last edited Oct. 25, 2023, 3:13 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (good is good, bad is bad. Bad is stealing, leaving your wife or taking a brother's, talking behind someone's back, treating someone's ground like a place to walk around) mohis ab yombonn hiyol ogoo ig yab mando 2: 0:00:39 (he does things he shouldn't do) omonn mu noolo egee iguwot nom nang yam (stealing) ndugab yombonn hiyol ogoo ig yab mando (talking behind someone's back) 3: 0:01:07 (not being afraid to be with someone, if someone comes speaking well to them, giving them food, being faithful to wife) 4: 0:01:39 (they will become bad, if someone does bad things we see them suffer. if they leave it they can put their sorry and become better. If they steal, talk bad, talk behind backs, unfaithful to wife, if we do that and confess we'll get better. We'll behave then. Bad means they'll get sick and die.) 5: 0:03:40 (we're bad and we're good. A few people follow the good, lots do bad) 6: 0:04:21 (If I'm good or bad I can't say, I'm a bad man) 7: 0:04:36 (it's hard, but it's good. To do good things all the time is right. If we don't have knowledge it's hard, but if we have knowledge it's easy.) 8: 0:05:00 (those people are there, they do one bad thing they put it right and behave well, they are around)

Interview - Ulumo, good and bad behaviour
last edited Oct. 25, 2023, 3:13 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (it's doing things you shouldn't you should behave well) egenndee igitug (if we do bad things we will die, stealing, taking a brother's food or wife our fathers said if we did that we would die, don't work the thieving road, they talked to their children, if you steal you'll die. Steal food or a woman and you'll die. I told this to Ivan, he'll tell his kids) 2: 0:01:33 (they do bad things, stealing food, sorcery, not being faithful to wife) 3: 0:01:53 (good men don't do bad things. not stealing, they behave well) egendee igu (If I'm hungry a good person gives me food. A theif will eat all their food and things, and they'll have to confess. A good person's things will stay good and he'll eat and he'll give to hungry people. A good person gives us food, but a thief eats our food, later I'll go to my garden and be like "who took my food?" Stealing is really bad. I've taught my kids not to steal) 4: 0:04:04 (they'll be bad, a sickness will come and they'll need to make wanbel ) 5: 0:05:08 (lots, there's a few good people and lots of bad people. ) 6: 0:05:36 (I'm not going to say, I'm just here, others need to come and decide if I'm a good or bad man) 7: 0:06:04 (they're around. There are good people and bad people, there are thieves. The nambis people are bad. Lots are bad, some are good, the bad ones cut us with machetes, smoke and drink, we're afraid of them. We hobol can't say if we're good or bad. In Absokul some are good and some are bad. People everywhere, some are good and some are bad. IN England some are good and some are bad. Some white people are good and some are bad.)