Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(our ancestors used to leave people topless on benches until they decomposed is what I'm told. He says something about spirits and washing. Our fathers left that, they were told to put people in graves by Michael Somare. They'd get limbum or sul, wrap the body in it and bury it. We left the tumbuna pasin. Now we get planks and make coffins or we use sul and we bury people. )
2: 0:02:44
(if the person stayed good they can be buried 2 days later, someone who has sores will get buried the same day, they became bad and they get buried. Wagis had sores and was bad so she was wrapped in sul and buried straight away.)
3: 0:03:25
(we all do, for you white people I don't know but we all bury people. )
4: 0:04:02
(women don't bury people, they just wail.) teme om muma teleb igugund
5: 0:04:17
(yes we get planks and put them. Today we do both coffins or wrap the bodies)
6: 0:05:09
(in hogumam, there's a small place to bury and a big place to bury in the bsh.)
7: 0:05:32
(mumasi is the enclitic for wail) hiyol ogoo hum ogoo ogol heleb igung hiyol ogoo muma teleb igugund hiyol ogoo mohis yom om unim ogoo ogot agab heb igung mohis agabi nom unim ogoo tagab igung aga unim om mu amb igung uminn omboo noonn unim ogoo ogot agab heb igung om muma teleb heb igung sangool agabi isig inda ii heb igugund ina ii heb igugund endeteeng muma teleb igugund. muma teleb igugund. mumumb igung hobol nom ombul. ig mohis nom uma mumumb igung (if our parents die we'll wail and we'll hear and know. Mogam's child died and they buried him today. If someone from Kavaluku's family died we'd go there and wail, if one of us died they'd come wail here, Ingis too, Kobumbua, we all do it.)
8: 0:07:38
(long ago Sibil did that, now we just bury them. Long ago they called the name as they buried them, but we just bury them)
9: 0:08:26
(once we bury them we go and do other things like planting gardens.)