Does suicide happen here?

last edited Nov. 3, 2023, 11 a.m. by Steve

3-12 Suicide & Unnatural Death


Asking people if people here suicide like white people do


Gusubonn - suicide
last edited Nov. 3, 2023, 11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(people that want to die, yes there are some they get rope and hang themselves because their bel is bad. Is that good? No they have bad bel, and they got rope. Do people cut their wrists? No, they hang. Do you know anyone who did that? We don't have anyone, we've heard of others doing it and heard that.)

Soso - suicide
last edited Nov. 3, 2023, 11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(yes it happens, long ago people got rope and died. Does that happen at the nambis? Yeah they do that. Does that happen here? Long ago, not now, we don't see it)

Dramat - suicide
last edited Nov. 3, 2023, 11 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(it happens in PNG, but it doesn't happen hear, we've only heard stories. Could you tell me a story that you've heard?) 00:01:20 mohis hiyol ogoo endeteeng abagam pinot heleb abagam yot heleb endet abagam pinot heleb agamb endet ogol minda enninnot endet ul ig oo sibelig oboob ogol his heb wog wondoob higeb umb igung om hutee endet sibelig ig oo ul ig oboob otoloo lagab igugund otoloo yab endet mohis teenn wog ogootooloob otoloo yab agamb i simonn was omboo nim sel hesimb ogol humee yomboo hesimb sindi koo hala ogoo hutee yab endet umb igugund ig ab omboo endet mu heb igung ab hiyol ogoo endet neleb igugund om hobol umasi migemb igung nom endet hobol nom see om angoom