interviews about dreams

last edited Nov. 9, 2023, 11:46 a.m. by Steve

5-4 Dreams & Visions culture-summary


  1. mohis hogog inemb, ina helee hegee. nom hobol amee (talk about dreams)
  2. nonn ina helee heb, salib famili nog hobol ogoo amininn ig? (if you have a dream will you tell your family?)
  3. honn honn ogoo mohis ina helee heb igugugund ig oo hutam hutam honn ogoo heb igugund ig? (do people dream all the team, or just sometimes?)
  4. mohis ina elee heb sinoll oboob hegee, mohis nom salib sinnoll egee ebinn ig? noogul hegee ig oo humann egee ig? (if someone dreams about catching meat when they wake up will they catch meat?)
  5. mohis ina elee pinot heb, ogootooloob, salib mohis nom lagabi igu ig? (if someone dreams about a hevi when they wake up will they be scared?)
  6. honn ogoo nonn ina helee hann, nom hobol amee, megitee mee hann? (tell me about a dream you've had)


Interview - Semik, dreams
last edited Nov. 9, 2023, 11:46 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 mohis hogog inemb hogog singu inemb i inemb a inaele heb yat i inaele nom onnol hooyom heleb salib heb ogootooloob inaele om heb ogootooloob amb igu inaele hoogoom ig endet amoong yam 2: 0:00:28 endeteeng nagam yam inaele heb ogootooloob salib inda ina wogoonoong angoom enn inaele endet hoogoom ogoo amb honn hutee ogoo inaele heb igugum nom mu amb igugum inaele yo eneng hutee heb nom es amb igugum inaele bili hutee heb nom hum amb igugum inaele yot heb mu amb igugum bili hutee nom mu amb igugum endet nom amb igung 3: 0:00:56 honn honn mohis hutee inaele olog olog hegee yam onnol honn hulinam ongoo egee ininn nom inaele his egee enn peg enn hutee inininn nom inaele his egee enn mohis teenn endeteeng nagand mohis honn hutee ogoo inaele hegee yam honn hutee salib nonongot tili mu angee yam honn hutee ogoo inaele heb hooyom salib egee aminn honn hutee ogoo inaele hegee yam honn hutee ogoo hum iningee yam endet nang yam 4: 0:01:32 nom inaele sinnol oboob inaele heb ogoo tong hasibee ig oo stling ig heb piginn nom moosugog piginn nom sinnol oboob inaele heb salib yaga yam yab ogootala hutee sinnol lebegee yam hutee humann mandot libigee yam nom inaele nom ilib haga nom inaele humann hoogoom egee inaele hum egee heninn sinnol oboob angee "inaele noogul hoogoom" egee hann endet amoong yam 5: 0:02:13 mohis hutee inaele hegee iguwot hutam salib pinot inaele egee enn inaele higeb heb iguwot nom mohis umb igung umo inaele ogoo aleg egenn nom yamung i mohis hutee umung yam mohis inaele nom bili hum hegee iguwot nom mohis teenn bili igung inaele yot hegee enn nom mohis mondu hutee yab genee hutee uminim eb nala egee heenn igel eeg umo omboo ab omboo hutee uminim eb nala inaele endet nom hoong yam mohis hutee inaele heb yab i heb iguwot nom onnol hum umo noonoong ogoo inaele endet heb salib onnol his omboo lagab enn uminim lagagee yam lagab egendee agamoot i aleg heb iguwot hum mumumb igu hutee inaele heb iguwot onnol his hogu hum heb iguwot nom yab i umb igu etilig umb i yab egee uminn endeteeng nom naga

Interview - Ilal, dreams
last edited Nov. 9, 2023, 11:46 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (I sleep and I see dreams, then I wake up and talk about it. I say if it was a good or bad dream. If the person I dream about comes I can tell them about it) 2: 0:00:34 (yes I tell them, I tell them about the good and bad dreams) 3: 0:00:56 (I sleep many times and have one dream, that's how it is. If I do good I see good dreams and if I do bad I see bad dreams.) 4: 0:01:17 (If someone dreams about catching meat he'll get his bow and go and there will be meat, he'll shoot a pig or something. If he has a bad dream he won't go. If he has a good dream and sees meat meat will be there. If he sees a dream nothing he won't go on the road, but a light "holot" dream he'll get up and go) 5: 0:02:06 (if someone has a bad dream he'll get up and be scared and won't go anywhere. If it's a good dream he'll go. Some dreams are true dreams and some are empty and we don't know which ones are lying, there are true ones) 6: 0:02:53 (I see them, but not every day, like every 3 days, not every morning. I had a dream that I was planting )

Interview - Silas, dreams
last edited Nov. 9, 2023, 11:46 a.m. by Steve