Bringing chicks to the garden

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Steve

1-10 Farming & Ranching


Date Team participants National participants
July 21, 2020 Steve, Gerdine Kavaluku, Mosiligam


On our way to Kavaluku's garden we saw that they had 3 chicks in a bilum and were carrying a hen. They let the hen loose and it followed us as we walked down the trail - it was following it's chicks. Arriving at the garden the chicks were realeased to roam freely with their mum. This was to prevent the chicks being eaten by birds of prey.


Why did Kavaluku take chicks to his garden?
last edited Sept. 10, 2020, 10:59 a.m. by Steve

Phonetic text Double checked by author

nobug nasim nobug undum wog aβ ogo itasi, nobug ɛniŋot wog ɛβiŋ wog ɛb oβoβ liβige, oβoβ manda moʔis wog ɛb nobug ʔɛni mu ge tɛβiŋ