Orthographic text
(so we've already talked about tikitakum, what other sorcerer words are there?)
endet mohis yelimee
hooyom noom hobol noom endet wog hooyom
wog hobol noom og hooyom leb endet yelimee nagand
egee liba mohis wog wondoogoond
(have you heard of other words?)
hobol noom endet
hobol ambul om og yab andoond yam, amba endet
yelimee egee mandoogoond, mandoogoond mohis ogoo madoogoond
hobol hutee nog endet
tikitakum egee oogoond yam
minimanul oogoond yam
(what word is that?)
wendet hum amasi hala tangeng endet hobol noom mohis
see hoom musu noom es amasi wi hala amoonga
enn hooyom wig
ndetee hum amasi migimoong yam, oom egee noonoong angoom
(when I first heard tikitakum I thought it was a name but it wasn't, it was for shooting. Is minimalul the same, is it for shooting?)
ndetee amb noog eegee wagand
(when they shoot a man like this, it this war or is it different?)
noom inom hum a yagand. inom es yab a wagand
(so sorcery is not warfare?)
yelime mida hutam, hem
mida hutam oboob yab endet, oo
wog egee welemind yam inom wowelemind, es yab welemind
egee yabi yabi, inom noom wi hala noom oogootelebi yelimee hooyom hoom nelemind
yelimee hooyom helebi enim
inom yab mohis wanda telemind
inom eb a mohis enedum mohis
mohis endet
mohis tenn osigim noolug
yaba om huwooloob a yamind, yelimee endet
endet ig community ogoo igung oo mohis hutam his, ambul his hum amb oo wog yelimee hooyom egee igisis
mohis ubiyab wig, mohis bili egee igisis
(so just a few hidden men will do it)
yaga hoogoot heleb agamb a mohis egee wog wendis
(so with war...)
mohis tenn, tenn esegimulubi yab pinot egee nelis
nelemind yam
(good that we don't see that)
mohis yelimee, mohis ambul his
ambul hutam wog egee nelemind yam noom endet,
mohis community yogumo oomboo mohis hiyol hooyom, hiyol hooyom wig
tagug a igito
(have you seen sorocerer stuff)
yelimee mind om endet
egee heninn, mohis yelimee noog minda minda sibalig, yoohut
hem, meme igata egee heninn
honn oogoo mohis yab mohis egee wedinn noom mohis mu egee heeyis