tikitakum and other sanguma things

last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

3-18 Fights; Antagonisms & Battles 3-12 Suicide & Unnatural Death 5-11 Miracles & Magic


Ulimoo (in secret, don't go spreading that he said this around) wanted to tell me about a word, tikitakum. He said it is the word God spoke when he breathed life into Adam and the life we all have.

Most people see this as a sanguma word, a word with magic properties that when used by someone with a spirit/demon has the power to cause an arrow to stun a person, which opens them up to be attacked by other spiritual means.


Ulimo introducing the idea of tikitakum
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

hobol hutee egee nonoong amoongoom god, a mohis egee usomoot om tikitakum ooguwa hutee mohis oom saliboot. salib onn et enn inda et enn inda enn god et

Silas on tikitakum and yelimee stuff
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(what does tikitakum mean?) yelimee hobol (what's yelimee hobol?) ndet amb igung o, det amb i mohis egee welis eb igugund (is tekitakum word or a spirit? what does it do?) wog hobol nom amb yeeyim egee pa eeyis pa eb mohis egee welis (who said it) mohis isig (pigin explination) hobol noom amind yam hobol noom amb mohis welemind yam walasi yeeyim hoogoot hooloot yam tikitakum eb i, mohis welemind yam (who did sorcoror stuff, men and women? It seems he understood me to ask married men or single men) mohis temee nog mohis hiyol ogoo meey yelimee hooyom holug eb hobol noom hooyom helemind hooyom heleb mandeb, yelimee mandemind yam Yab mohis ab oogoo hutee hoogoot heleb wann woolug eb mohis tabasi eb yeeyim oboob alalub agamb pa oowug eb hobol noom amb pa eb mohis welemind yam walasi yeeyim hoogoot hooloot yam yeeyim ubasim ooguwaleb yooguwa yeeyim his mohis hogu yogumo yab Hoogoot hooloot yam, yeeyim pee noom hoogoot hooloot yam (are there still people who do that?) see om mohis igel detee mu nagand yam mohis ab hiyol ogoo nagand yam ig eni omboo mohis egee nolo noom, mu nagand yam oogootelemind, mohis tatugum mot eb hiyol ogoo yelimee hooyom noom umb wi halasi wi hooloot mohis ab genee genee hiyol ogoo hobol noom igu Hobol noom amb a yelimee mohis wonnagand yam (is tikitakum a name or a word? or a thing sorcerors do?) tikitakum om meme unim hutee wig hobol hutee noom um ndeteng angoond yelimee yeeyim pa oowug eb hobol noom amb, amb a yeeyim pa oogoond yam meme unim hutee wig (where did you hear this word?) (moogom) ama migimonn? ig inda mot mohis hambul hambul hobol noom wog hooyom mohis yelimee hobol wog amb egee nelemind, wog hooyom oomboo amasi migemb igung (I just heard the word but many people hadn't told me about it) (Good that you told told me some) enn hooyom toondee igugum oomo endet yelimee hobol oomboo egee amoong

Silas about an old yelimee in Ingis
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

enn tatugum hutee ingis yoomboo igu igot honn unim agabisig yelimee noog eb igung eb amangoot pegooloom (is he still alive?) mohis isig, hanamag hoo yelimee mandoot yam (does he still do it?) see oogootooloot anamag heleb oogootooloot hoo mandeb hobol noom a mandeb mohis wogoondoot yam See om ogootooloot, hum igu onn yelimee hobol noom mohis mohis amoongoot wonoong yam omonn yot tugub igung eb amb igung mohis wogooondoogoom eb amb, musu amb soogootoob abagam bili neleb wi tugub heleb oogootooloot igu

Silas more specific on tikitakum
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(are war and sorcery the same or different?) inom wes inom es yab mohis wogendemind yam yelimee hoogoot heleb egee yis mohis mu egee wohis hoogoot heleb yab haga hoogoot heleb mohis ig wogendis (how do they hit them?) wog tondee wog amis ig oo? mee hutee pasum ebis ig oo? nom wog musu yot helebi wog yelimee egee yis yelimee ama mohis ab noomboo yagamb i hoogoot heleb mohis igoong aming ig a noom honn hoowug eb hoogoot heleb haga eb igisis Agmabi mohis noom eb noom ee egee welis hobol noom amb, tikitakum eb egee welis walasi yeeyim hoogoot heleb igu, hoogoot hala ega yeeyim hutee oogoo om egee welis hutee oogoo hum wooloob, yeeyim ubiyab wooloob omboo es teb oboogooloob egee wendis Yoohut oogoo lumootoob igugund hiyol ogoo, ig egee wendis oo yeeyim ogoo su hoom egee welis hoomee egee igisis, nisil hala hoom egee tebis hulinam teb hig egemee haga endet tuwol hot om omboogooloob egee amis tuwolub hoot om omboogooloob haga amis o sindee egee iguwot oo onn inda unim amb amis a paliboob egemee tala lebinn egee yis oowasi mohis sindee oogoog haga ininn oo egemee laba musu oboob salib egemee lebinn oboogol malub egemee laba wondoob igugund Oo wogendemind yam wondoob hoot egee panguma lumis obugum amoongoot egee hiyeb higis mesiso hutee i palib egee telis giliminn wog wondoob yot (tugula) tugub oogootooloob wogemeteb ndumuloob yab hoogoot helega woheb igitasi wog hobol a hobol hutee woligilog tugulo hobol noom hoom amb wo oogoomootoob ndumooloob ya eseb agamb liga etasi ee ligilog egee hann ligilog helesi tuwol ab oogoo sindee egee yann Egee yann o agamb etilig umb wandasi um yat etilig umb oogot om egee uminn umumind yam

Samuwel on tikitakum
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

enn usomb mu hooyom hagam a. Usomb amb hoom story na ebee (what word is tikitakum?) hobol tikitakum egee oogoond yam noom endet mohis yelimee noog noom yam mohis wog wondug eb oogoond yam o hobol noom angoond yam. amb yeeyim pa eb mohis noom walasi tagug heleb igita wondoogoond yam tagug hobol, noom egeeng (when they say it how will it come up?) noom endet, mohis yelimee noog ogoond yam, wog mehomong noom nagand yam neleb mohis wogoonoogoond yam nom engeng a ig oob nando yot ee, oogoo wogoonoong iguwot noom mehomonn noom a nagand yam (do people still do this word?) me isig. isig endet neleb ig tatugum mot nalasi inda mot nagand yam, ogoombot mag Hoogee nelemind ig yangoo wig, ooguwal noom his endetee noom hobol amasi migimung, noom egeeng (how did the person become confused? Poorly asked) enn noonn hobol angonn mu hooyom hagam o

Keli on yelimee pasin
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(when a sorceror wants to kill a person how do they do it?) noom endet, wog mo hutee endet, onn abagam yot helebi onn musu endet ambul holoogob ooguwal holoogob ebi noosi noomboo igita oogoo teb noom om oboob leb yab i yag ee wending na endet, hutee mo hutee abagam yot helebi endet onn enn ab embonn oogoo mandegee eb enn hogot pasum nengee eb enn undum hig noog a mandegee eb. enn temee eb naga ebi abagam yot e moogog enoongoo wann moogog wala oogootooloob mohis yelimee noog noom hutee mohis noom ogoo mohis hutee egee moogog oogoo wann wanda egee uminn mohis yelimee noog enn liboong endeteng (the word tikitakum, how do they shoot with it?) noom mohis yelimee noog mohis oongol hobol noom ambi mohis noom egee wendinn yelimee noog mohis noom om hobol egee angoom, noom onn hooyom hooyom omboo yab, yeeyim oboob yab, yeeyim hobol ambi yeeyim hobol noom ambi egee wann (is the word a hidden arrow?) hobol noom amb mohis noom wala oogooteleb yeeyim noom hoogoot egee hann (how do they shoot a hidden arrow?) noomboo hutam his endet hobol noom hoo endet usim pigeb, hobol hoo amb egee wann, omboo endet hoogoot egee hann yeeyim noom hootoog tugub ee egee wann (Will the man see what he is shooting or will will he be hidded and shooting from afar?) mohis egee weninn noom mohis yelimee mohis noom egee heeyinn egee heyinn amo onn hutee mohis hiyol mu wogoonoong aminn. tagug egee hann (so the arrow is hidden, what kind of wound will it make) yeeyim mootoom, hogu omboo egee yann noom, wayigoom mu egee hann omboo hes mu egee libinn, yeeyim hoogoot egee hann hogu endet egee oob agang wa yeeyim noom yogumo omgoo haga endet mohis his sogu mo agamb endet oomo his sogu haga nala et ilool agabi egee wann etilig egee uminn, agamb agambi mohis umb igu (a man who's been shot, how does he know a sorcerer shot him?) noomboo endet noomboo enn mu, loogooneng mu egee noonoong amug noomboo endet mohis mehomong egee naga hooyom noom loogoong haga. enn endeteng yelimee ???

Keli again on yelimee pasin
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(so we've already talked about tikitakum, what other sorcerer words are there?) endet mohis yelimee hooyom noom hobol noom endet wog hooyom wog hobol noom og hooyom leb endet yelimee nagand egee liba mohis wog wondoogoond (have you heard of other words?) hobol noom endet hobol ambul om og yab andoond yam, amba endet yelimee egee mandoogoond, mandoogoond mohis ogoo madoogoond hobol hutee nog endet tikitakum egee oogoond yam minimanul oogoond yam (what word is that?) wendet hum amasi hala tangeng endet hobol noom mohis see hoom musu noom es amasi wi hala amoonga enn hooyom wig ndetee hum amasi migimoong yam, oom egee noonoong angoom (when I first heard tikitakum I thought it was a name but it wasn't, it was for shooting. Is minimalul the same, is it for shooting?) ndetee amb noog eegee wagand (when they shoot a man like this, it this war or is it different?) noom inom hum a yagand. inom es yab a wagand (so sorcery is not warfare?) yelime mida hutam, hem mida hutam oboob yab endet, oo wog egee welemind yam inom wowelemind, es yab welemind egee yabi yabi, inom noom wi hala noom oogootelebi yelimee hooyom hoom nelemind yelimee hooyom helebi enim inom yab mohis wanda telemind inom eb a mohis enedum mohis mohis endet mohis tenn osigim noolug yaba om huwooloob a yamind, yelimee endet endet ig community ogoo igung oo mohis hutam his, ambul his hum amb oo wog yelimee hooyom egee igisis mohis ubiyab wig, mohis bili egee igisis (so just a few hidden men will do it) yaga hoogoot heleb agamb a mohis egee wog wendis (so with war...) mohis tenn, tenn esegimulubi yab pinot egee nelis nelemind yam (good that we don't see that) mohis yelimee, mohis ambul his ambul hutam wog egee nelemind yam noom endet, mohis community yogumo oomboo mohis hiyol hooyom, hiyol hooyom wig tagug a igito (have you seen sorocerer stuff) yelimee mind om endet egee heninn, mohis yelimee noog minda minda sibalig, yoohut hem, meme igata egee heninn honn oogoo mohis yab mohis egee wedinn noom mohis mu egee heeyis

Ulimoo explaining his position on tikitakum
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(You said that God awakened tikitakum, tell me about that) wonong wonog onn hipegulamb i yab salabigoot, Adam salibigoot salib i, amoot enn inda et enn inda et enoong egee iguwonn ebi enn inda God et onn salib agamoot egee leb inda enn God et (So is tikitakum just a spirit or God's spirit?) God wonong ig tatugum onn wonong wig God wonong oo onn ya salibigoot (so he give the spirit to Adam) Adam utut Adam uta, onn es sogo egee liboot yabi ilib onn es kayinog yabi holog onn wonong egee utut noom ya li onn lib undonn ogoo egee put noom ilib huwalasi oogootooloobi oom set hom utut onn igel libigot yat yati Noah ogoo libigee liba, noonn iguwa noonn a oboogonn neyim hooloot i yot tugulo (does He give it to everybody or to just some people) mohis tenn hum yogoosoogot igu ig ab oom tenn, hogu yu hogu onnot tenn yogesegee yam musom yogesegee yam yogesa noom, detee nogonn enn mogut nemb igonn Got onn musu yogesigot a loogenn omboo, onn yoombonn ebeleleb nooloot noom yoombonn mogut meginee oboot obo nooloob a hum usomoot, meemee usomb oboob looboot yabi yabi oogootooloob inemb agamoot inemb igita oogootooloob atoob salibininn ig atoob wig wig eb oogootala moot wog oogootelebi hul wonong hoom ulambigoob uta lumoot a enn e tugub ulambigoom et u munu ulabigoom salibigonn umeta unim et tikitakum et nonn salibigee et saibee ooguwa salibigee amoot enn inda God et enn inda enn God et (So when you say "tikitakum" you're talking about God's spirit?) God onn nondo tikitakum ooguwa Adam ogoo piya, salibigoot Adam oo salibi amoot enn inda et onn God et enn umann neyim endet yoombonn umann oometo inda noonol obindo wonong engee piya et igoom oogoo agam et elebi yog et enn inda et onn God et enee egenn tikitakum eget enee egeeng (I'm confused why others say tikitakum is a witchcraft word) noom yelimee hobol mohis ilib yelimee wogoogoond yam egeeng ilib mohis wandasi uma ogootooloob salib mannabiguwasi egeemootoob detee inemb igung detee inemb igita yabi tikitakum oogoond wasi umb endet mimi egee salibi oogowuasi salibigee oom ig endee holo his ig wopigoob ende holo his (is that a different thing?) noom hutam huta mohis womannabigoond yam ligilog mohis womannabigoond yam etilig umasi mohis wogondoob wogond amb hutam, hobol hutam (it is the same word, but is it a different thing?) mida wes wig, minda hutam (So when they shoot someone, they use God's spirit?) wig, onn hobol noom amba waga yam tikitakum eb ooguwa yam wala aboong aboong hala hutee wendegee yam wanda omboo inemb igita, mannabiyo oogoo ang yam tikitakum salib ebebi hoot omboo endet islib sooloob his oogoo omboo wanda igoom haga yam igoom hala noogul egee yann yelimee eb ebemind enee egeeng yab mohis walasi yim ubasim egee hoogoot hogot om egenn tikitakum eb walasi hoogoot hala yam mohis egee mannabigot amo Got onn wononn egee pigoot enee egenn yelum ilib hiyol hum yelimee hooloot, hiyol om mohis mannab igonnd yam womboo hutam ilib was omboo egeeleb ambul hooloot enn hobol hum endet tandeng deteeng noonn aminim egeenng egee nonong angoom God honn meemee abindo egee pigoot noom, wonong egee pigoot noom, oom egee angoom

Ivan and group explaining sorcery
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(3:35 what is sanguma) yeilmee (it it man or spirt?) hubi ndet mohis ig yogoo a mandis mo hubi wog ob a mandinn mohis ogoo endetenn oomo aleg noom a egee mandis hubi leb a egee mandis hubi noom hutee wonoong egee yann man man ubiyab oogooteleb mohis elegee egee igisis o yelimee heleb yug eb neleb hubi noom hutee wogoonoong heewa hubi leb a mandis. detee angoond yam

Ivan explaining how yelimee actually kill the man
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

mohis, yelimee egee mandoogoond yam endet mohis hutee ogoo aboogam mootool eb noom yab wandoob hoogoond yam onn mesiso palib teleb neyim sog oboob yogumo pigeb onn ligigilog tugulasi, ligilog heleb tuwol ab oogoo yaga, ungee yam enn hobol ebeginondo noom his aminim oogoom omboo egee angoom (why is there no mark on the flesh?) sibelig oogoo iguwasi hihebigeb me palib teleb, mesisiso palib teleb igitug oogooteleb noogoomatasi hoogoot haga yam sibalig honom noom hoogoot heleb, bili heleb mohis hogu bili heleb tuwol oogoo ila endet onn temee undum hoogoond yam. Hoogoond yam endet, mohis bili hum igu igita heb angood amee ig inda hum bili hum mandoot i oo libigee yam oo wig mohis wog heyig wondoob hoogoond yam oomo heb mesiso me palib teleb oogooteleb bili tugulasi tuwol ab wi iluwa hoogoond yam *etileg umb ungee yam* a etilig umb ungee yam

Soso explaining the phrase "mogog wolo"
last edited Nov. 22, 2023, 9:17 a.m. by Rhett

Orthographic text

(what does mogog wolo mean?) mogog wolo noom endet mohis hutee nog, holoogob agambi abagam yot heleb mohis om uminn ebi, mogog wagand yam mogog wolug ig habu sog ig o mogog munum teb oboob yab endet mohis hutee onnol onnol mohis mundu endet yelimee nog yoomboo igita egee yam mogog habu oboob yab utub angee yam o mo oom detee tutuguwot oo detee yat ee tuguguwot oo noonn ya Mo noom wendee ooguwa onn hobol noom salamb teb mo noom wendegee yam wanda ungee yam. dendeng oomboo amb igung mogog wagand eb amb igung mogog wolo hobol noom endeteng