Interviews about infant care and childhood

last edited Dec. 5, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Steve

3-19 Infant Care & Childhood


  1. megite tugub ina undum hebigondoo tulomb igugund ig? (how does mum look after small children?)
  2. megite tugub inda undum hebigondoo tulomb igugund ig? (how does dad look after small children?)
  3. ina hutee mom nomol wig, nom endet megite mee egee neninn ig? (if a mum doesn't have breast milk what does she do?)
  4. undum agabi heleb, onnol mandegee yam, undum nom ina salmb igugund ig? (do kids that have learned to walk follow their mothers?)
  5. undum agabi, endet Oscar, megitee mee mehamonn neleb igugund ig? (what work do kids Oscar's size do?)
  6. undum wog sinnol mongoloogoond yam, nom hobol amee (story about kids hunting)
  7. undum hebigondoo mom nongoond yam, wog agabi hebigondoo halasi mena megite mee osob iguguma ig? (what do you give weaned kids to eat?)
  8. hobol mesag undum amb igugund nom megite mee? undum hebigondoo hobol mu amb, agabi halasi hobol megite mee amb igugund ig? (what are kid's first words?)


Interview - Semik, infant care
last edited Dec. 5, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (they look after them carefully. If they fall over they look after them, if they are crying they breastfeed them, they clean them when they are dirty and they put them down to sleep. When they get big they do garden work) 2: 0:00:55 (yeah we can't breast feed so we look after nating. If mum has gone on a food road the dad will take the baby. If the baby cries he can't feed it so he just walks around with it, dads show them an interesting tree or something. Do dads clean dirty babies? Yes they wash them in the water and if they are sleepy put them in a bilum and carry it on their heads and walk around till the baby sleeps. Is looking after kids easy? It's hard, if mum is off and I'm looking after a crying baby it's hard) 3: 0:02:51 (she'll find another lady that can feed the baby. If the mother has died the baby will go to another lady, but if the mother just doesn't produce milk she'll find a lady to feed it and then take the baby back and it'll remain hers.) 4: 0:04:37 (If its a close garden then they'll go with, but if it's a far away garden they won't because they're small, they'll fall down or take ages so they stay at home. So for far away gardens you carry them? Yes we carry them and then they go plant. Mum will carry back the food and dad will carry the kids) 5: 0:05:52 (Our kids Oscar's size don't do garden work. They go the garden and play. Do those kids follow their parents or stay home? Some follow their parents, some if they are les stay at home and play. If mum says they're going to a far away garden and the kid is les he'll stay home and play ball or something.) 6: 0:07:50 (When kids get big they go looking for meat. They hunt crabs rats and grasshoppers that they cook and eat. Spiders? yes spiders too) 7: 0:08:31 (We put food in a pot and cook it and give it to them. We put it in front of them and if they decide they like it they'll eat it. ilis, galas, hanambuli - anything) 8: 0:09:36 (they get big and say inda, ina, mena, sinnol, nomol and then when they get bigger they say everything)

Interview - infant care
last edited Dec. 5, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Alus

Interview - Mosiligam, child care
last edited Dec. 5, 2023, 2:59 p.m. by Steve