Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
inda uma undum om endet om ab om ab senis egee igisinn oboob egee inda onn aleg egee mandogot nom salamb a egee mandinn endet nom nang yam mohis hutee hiyol om egee igisinn onn undum hebigondoo igita inda mesag uminn nom mohis hutee hiyol om tuloomb ogoo igisinn heb agabi hala ndugandum nom inda ab mandoot yam ogonn haga salib salamb ab nom egee yann yab moogut ila nomboo egee ilinn tol ab nomboo egee lumann stlinn egee piginn endet neleb mandegee yam endeteeng nang yam
undum inda ab yombonn egee ebis?
ab yombonn nom ol ab senis nom egee ebinn onnol hogu mondutu ongoo egee ebinn yo oboob ogooteleb om onn ab egee mandinn yam nom onn salib asam omboo mandegee yam
2: 0:01:17
endeteeng neleb igung heem heb moloomunn amb igung oo onn ab inda egee ebinn heb igung teme heb igung onn agamb i agabi heleb endet yaw mohis genee yab egee lebinn heb igung endet nom amb endet teme ubub oo om endet agamb agabi om mohis ab egee ebinn heb oomoo moloomunn undum ab henenee egee igisis heb igung
endet teme wog ab yombonn mu ebis moloomunn singu ebis?
moloomunn ab ogoo egee igisis ab nom moloomunn egee mandis yam teme endet genee yab mohis ebis mohis obo, moloomunn ab nomboo egee igisinn. ig omboo endeteeng nang oo moloomunn undum wog ab henenee egee igisis yab i teme oboob wo ab nomboo hum egee igisis yo wog umasi wog undum om es ndugub nom asam nomboo hum egee igisis endeteeng igung
3: 0:03:20
ig omboo amoong yam om ina wig hoong yam ina onn asam omboo igisinn hoong yam moloomunn undum ogol ab inda tugub igisis heb endet amoong yam. ina mot wog egee amoong yam wog mandoong yam omboo ina honn hutee mohis hutee tebinn nom yann nom mohis nom uma onn undum wo tuloomb hum nomboo inong egee igisinn onn ab ogootooloob egee tebinn nomboo nom ab wom tugub egee igisinn endet nom nagand yam
mohis nom waga aleg mandis nom onn undum wogoonoong yab egee inda ig aleg om mandoong yam ogonn wo sila piginn wo sila pigeb noonn noonoonn oboong enn nom noonoonn oboong ooguwa unum wogol sindee nomboo egee mandis endeteeng nang yam.
(do you split the ground between the different children?
we've got a big place so we don't do that, we keep it as one land, all the kids walk on it and do gardens. We divide gardens up, but not land.)
5: 0:05:22
(no everything is one. Our grandfathers placed traps here, so did your dad and now you will. The same place our fathers roamed we also roam)
6: 0:07:08
(the adopted child will get his as ples land, he recieves his birth father's land. The child is looked after in the same place, people will look after the land and the child will get it.)