Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(you are good people that came and will do something good)
2: 0:00:36
(they are good too. We don't have machetes, spades or axes and the store work they do means we get them and we cut gardens and make houses. We get salips and we can keep the place clear, that's what we say.)
3: 0:01:34
nom egee amoong wog minda nalasi tebegee minda wog kongkong ab ogootooloob PNG ogoo toboogoond om minda wog toboogoond minda oboob teb yongoo pendebigiguwasi yab oboob ilib ongoo endet ogol mungisis og heb i ig singu igung mee ta ta heleb wom om yang yam yab oboob ilib wog minda eeg ogooteleb ongoo tol ab ogoo piguwasi igtee yab hoong minda egee ta hang yam tol ab nomboo igita oboob ilib endeteeng nang
wog pasum neleb igugund ig?
enn hoyoom wig genee igung omboo pasum nagand yam oo wig ig oomoo ig PNG pasum nang yam wog minda ogol sindee om hutee ig oboob ligee yug
(they come on the roads and put money for trees. They put the Golgol road and got money. So they don' steal? No they put a fee and do things)
4: 0:03:43
(They did well. )
5: 0:04:03
(It's big, with big towns. We've not seen it so we don't know)
6: 0:04:34
(It's a big town place with lots of houses, but we haven't seen it)
7: 0:04:53
(we haven't seen it so we don't know if it's good or bad. )