Kavaluku works in town

last edited Dec. 6, 2023, 9:43 a.m. by Steve

7-5 Labor & Occupation Issues cargo-thinking


The guys were laughing about bad experiences they had working for PNG land owners at the nambis. The work was hard, there were not enough breaks or food and the wages were bad. Kavaluku tells the story of a time he worked.

His advice to his kids would be to get good work and good money, but don't cut grass because the missionaries are here now and the food will come here.


last edited Dec. 6, 2023, 9:43 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Francis went to Rabaul and worked there, and then worked in town. We worked together there for Kibonn, Migel people. We worked gathering and cutting coconuts, putting them in bags and smoking them. Then we took them to town and sold them. Then we got paid, but we weren't paid well. Some people in the nambis pay well and some don't. Good people put good money and bad people put bad money, they don't give us good food.) (what advice would you give if your son wanted to work in town? I'd be wanbel and I'd say do this or that to get good money and I'd say if you speak badly then you won't get good money. If you speak well and think well and work you'll get good money. Our fathers went and cut grass, and we have cut grass but now we tell our kids to not cut grass. We went and cut grass in people's kaukau gardens but you shouldn't because our brothers are here you should stay. Food is going to come here and we'll get it and stay.)