Interview about brothers

last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Steve

2-4 Tribe & Nation culture-summary


  1. yog tol ab sogu mendenn eni ogoo lomoteb iguguna ig? (do you build your houses close to your brothers?)
  2. nonn sogu abagam bili igisinim eb. megite mehamonn neleb iguwonn ig? (how do you keep a little brother wanbel?)
  3. megite tugub nonn sogu tulomb iguwonn ig? (how do you look after a little brother?)
  4. megite tugub mohis onn ambul tulomb igu ig? (how do you look after a big brother?)
  5. ig ab ogoo mohis hiyol ogoo ab otoloo osumee igugund, ab otoloo tol ab lomoteb, osumee igu. Mohis endet ab ogoo igu? (in our places some people live alone, do you guys have that?)
  6. sogu mendenn hem nom, onn mohis homongot ig oo wig ig? (is the firstborn a leader?)
  7. yog mohis hobol, yog mohis megite mee? mohis bilig ig? mohis agabi ig? (is Kovol a big place or what?)
  8. yog kantri papua new guinea, kantri nom bili ig? agabi ig? (is PNG a big, good country?)


Interview - Mosiligam, brothers
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (yeah we do that, we build near our brothers. The eldest son build a house near his dad, but as the younger brothers marry and it gets crowded they might move out.) 2: 0:01:37 (If I have bad thinking towards Joel I'll put good thinking. If there is a hevi food will be given, meat will be eaten to become wanbel. If a hevi comes up we'll talk, and make wanbel, and me too if I get sick I confess my bad thinking and make wanbel. And if there is no hevi do you share meat? yes we do, just being nice we share food when we have lots and our wanbel. We help each other with our work. ) 5: 0:05:35 (yes we do the same thing, we want to be alone we wonder in the bush. We put a sandil and stay with our wives, or build a house. What about people les of others, do they go off on their own? yeah they do, they are afraid of people and they build a house far away, they stay in the bush and just visit the village. People who are tired of the noise and busy. Is there a name for that? No, a phrase mohis olu agamb singu egee igisinim.) 6: 0:09:54 (our leaders our lotu leaders, or government komiti and they are leaders. If we meet one one person speaks and puts their thinking, the leaders may speak first but we all speak. So you couldn't tell your younger brother to shut it when they talk because you're the elder brother? No, that wouldn't be right. We can call each other for speaking the wrong things. If the little brother has thoughts he can speak them.) 8: 0:13:08 (We don't know, the school kids that get edcated tell us that we're a small country and the white person countries are big. We can't tell, we just hear what they say.) 7: 0:14:23 (Pal is there, we hobol, are we good or bad, we don't know. About Pal either we don't know. The population we don't know either. We don't know who is bigger, we're in darkness. The census work happens, but we don't know. We can see the people around but we don't know the numbers.)

Interview - Gusubonn, brothers
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Soso, brothers
last edited Dec. 7, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Steve