Ingis guy kills his nephew

last edited Dec. 12, 2023, 8:29 a.m. by Steve

6-1 Offenses & Crimes 3-12 Suicide & Unnatural Death


7 Dec 2023 The community were talking about how an Ingis guy had killed his nephew by cutting him 3 times with a machete. The boy had told him that he couldn't give him a fishing hook or googles for fishing because they were locked in the house and the guy cut him. He then fled. The guy was thought to be crazy and people aren't sure what will happen next


Gusubonn - Ingis guy cuts child
last edited Dec. 12, 2023, 8:29 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Yohol's child, nannand an Atitau man his first was there, the grandfather was there, Mosiligam's sister's husband, his father, his child the two of them were there. yesterday morning they went and stabbed with a knife, he died and he left. They searched for him, and they buried the child in a tagul. Are they gonna find the guy and cut him we don't know, we just heard.)

Samuel - Crazy person kills Ingis child
last edited Dec. 12, 2023, 8:29 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(A crazy person smoke marijuana and became crazy. He was Ubili's family, he was with them in Ingis. The child that died was Peno, he was his uncle. The whole family except these two and a grandad went. Something about a woman - probably defining the relationship of the grandad The 3 of them were there and the crazy person said to Peno "give me some glasses I want to go in the water and go fishing" but he was told that wouldn't work, then he said "I want a hook and line to catch fish" the boy replied "uncle the door is locked and everything is inside" "it's locked, the key fell down somewhere and I'm looking for it, leave the fish hook" He was told that and he got a knife and stabbed the boy, he stabbed him and the boy cried "grandad Robin has stabbed me!" and he went far away because he was scared and he was crying loudly in pain. He went down to a noomul fern, but got tangled in it, and he was stabbed in the back. He fell down and his eye was cut out, his maga munum was pierced and cut he was stabbed in the arm and somewhere else. He died and grandad stayed - he did nothing because he was scared of being stabbed?- they covered him with a siboolum leaf. Olunann went there and - heard the grandad's crying out? - the man killed Peno and is ran off, -find him?- Yogula was the one out looking when he met Olunann. He said "there was a stabbing, somone is in a siboolum, grandad said. go see it. Robin killed somone and he's in a siboolum, -if you see him you should come?- Olunann was sorry?- They put the boy in a tagul and carried him up, the burial hadn't happened yet. Then they buried him. Robin is usually at the nambis, and they want to find him and kill him now.)