Interviews about denominations

last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Steve

5-14 Denominations & Sects


  1. ward ogoo mgeite lotu igu ig? (what lotus are in our ward?)
  2. oo Luteran ab ogoo yab hooyom yesemind, nom hobol amee (long ago the Lutherans taught you, story about that)
  3. Luteran Wanuma ogoo igu ig? Luteran mohis mehamonn noolo igu ig? (are there currently Lutherans in Wanuma?)
  4. luteran mehamonn agabi om megite mee? (what is the big work of the Lutherans?)
  5. ward ogoo apostolic igu ig? (are there apostilics here?)
  6. Apostolic mohis mehamonn noolo igu iug? (are there apostolic workers?)
  7. Apostolic mehamonn agabi om megite mee? (what is the big work of the apostilics?)
  8. Katolic, 4 square, seven de igu ig? (other denominations?)


Interview - Molulu, Denominations
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Luteran and Apostolic, those are the big ones. There may be one one other lotu follower around. Our fathers were Luterans and we are too. Apostolic is a newer one that came.) 2: 0:01:12 (The Luterans came, I didn't see it, Sibil did, white people came. We just heard the stories. They came to Bunabun and an Ingis guy brought the Bible and gave it to different people. Those people worked, Sibil heard it, and people were baptised. We were schooled and baptised later.) 3: 0:03:45 (yes they're in Wanuma. There was a work man there, but there isn't now. The plane doesn't come any more.) 6: 0:04:44 (The apostilic churches had some workmen, some left, some have some. They do lotu services. Now there are a few that can work and do services with them.) 4: 0:06:00 (The thinking is the same between Luteran and Apostilic. They do services.) 8: 0:06:53 (There aren't really any other denominations.)

Interview - Raymond, Denominations
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Samuel, denominations
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 11:20 a.m. by Steve