Interviews about lotu tolerence

last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

5-13 Tolerance & Intolerance


  1. PNG ogoo lotu ubiyab igugund, lotu bili om megite mee? (what's the right lotu?)
  2. Luteran apostolic nog wog woolob igugund ig? (do Lutherans and apostolics fight?)
  3. Goroka ogoo satade mohis, SDA nom, sunde mohis wog maket ogoo woolob igugund. Lotu ig woard ogoo woolob igugund ig? (SDAs and Sundays fight in Goroka, to lotus fight here?)
  4. ig tol ab om lomotob, honn nom, yog esigim lub hobol amomuwa endet mohis honnot ig hooyom egee esis, ig me egee welis, mohis teenn egee migimug. nogul ig? stoli amee (when we first came did you guys meet and agree that you guys wouldn't fight about if people can come or not? tell about that)


Interview - Molulu, lotu tolerence
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (I don't know, I don't know which is best, or if they are all good.) 2: 0:00:32 (In our place they just argue, they don't physically fight.) 3: 0:01:03 (yeah they just argue here) 4: 0:01:35 (I didn't see that, but some did say that.)

Interview - Raymond, tolerence
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Samuel, lotu tolerence
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

Sibil - arguing between lotus
last edited Dec. 11, 2023, 3:03 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Do the Lutherans and Apostolics argue? Yes there's arguing, if an infant receives Lutheran baptism the Apostolics do a second baptism and that's bad. Is the belief of Lutheran and Apostilic the same or different? The talk is the same, both listen to the Bible.)