Orthographic text
1: 0:00:00
(my ancestors were good, they had spears, but no steel tools. We didn't come up with that thinking, we didn't know. White people came to the coast with steel tools and they saw it, it came with a book. Bunabun got the stuff and they gave this stuff to the Kovol. They were told to lose the pasin of killing each other with spears. Our ancestors didn't have axes. White people have came to our village, gave salt to people and shot their gun at a tree, then the mission came to Wanuma saying we're the white skins you're black, but we're the same. My father and I saw it and now you've come.
3: 0:08:05
So the change was you got steel tools? yes. Our ancestors used spears in their fighting because they didn't have steel machetes. They lost the pasin of fighting and canabilism.)
4: 0:09:22
(our ancestors didn't do baptism. Our fathers did it by putting water on people's heads in the name of the trinity.)
(yes that's how lutherans do it. Apostolic? We haven't seen it. We've heard that they make a cross with the water on the forehead.)
5: 0:10:12
(We don't know, we've heard but not seen. )