Interviews about baptism

last edited Dec. 13, 2023, 8:41 a.m. by Steve

5-12 Theological Systems & Disputes


  1. noon baptais obonn ig oo wig ig? (have you been baptised?)
  2. mogom mohis oboob nomol ogoo yab wo isateb igu? (who baptises?)
  3. mohis agabi nomol isateb igugund? (are adults baptised?)
  4. undum hebigondoo nomol isateb igugund ig? (are small children baptised?)
  5. noonn undum nomol isamind ig? mogom wog oboob isatoot? (who baptised your kids?)
  6. confirmation om megite mee? (what is confirmation?)
  7. undum luteran nomol isateb, sogu tugub apostolic nomol isatinn, nom loogooneeng ig oo wig ig? (if a child baptised as lutheran is rebaptised is that ok?)


Interview - Jethro, baptism
last edited Dec. 13, 2023, 8:41 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (Yes) 2: 0:00:14 (Wele did it, they came from Kobubumba and evangelist. Pastors do baptism, evangelists too. Can a man nothing baptise? No evangelists do it. The apostolic church can have nobodies do the baptism) 3-4: 0:02:13 (small kids are baptised, before our fathers were baptised as adults, now it's kids ) 5: 0:03:00 (I have no kids) 6: 0:03:18 (evangelists do the confirmation school, it happens alongside baptisms. So there's some teaching? No, the pastor comes and baptises the babies and the adults recieve olagul, which is a hand on the head and a blessing. There's no school knowledge) 7: 0:05:06 (some people do that, some people don't I don't know if thats good or bad)

Interview - Sibil, baptism
last edited Dec. 13, 2023, 8:41 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Mogam, baptism
last edited Dec. 13, 2023, 8:41 a.m. by Steve