Inteviews about work topics

last edited Dec. 14, 2023, 3:14 p.m. by Steve

7-5 Labor & Occupation Issues


  1. famili nom, mogom hobol amb "su ig mehamonn endet egee nolug" ooguwa famili hobol salamb mehamonn egee nelis? Inda ig? ina ig? (who says let's do this or that work today?)
  2. inda hobol angee "ig endet egee nolug" ooguwa teme, undum nog hobol salamb igugund? (if dad says lets do this work, do the family listen?)
  3. tol ab isig hala wolonn gometenim eb, mogom egee nann ig? inda ig? (who repairs the house when it gets old?)
  4. nom famili nog ab huum ogoo yab singelinn egee igisinn ab ogoo mogom nom tol ab moogut nog tulolmb egee igisis? (if you go for a long time to town who looks after your house and garden?)
  5. mohis hutam moogut mehamonn ababi hala, honn hiyol ogoo mohis monduguwa pusilim munum osuwa monduguwa mehamonn neleb igugund ig? (do some people hire people for garden work?)


Interview - Soso, work issues
last edited Dec. 14, 2023, 3:14 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (the father says that, and if it's right everyone does it) 2: 0:00:30 (yes, like that.) 3: 0:00:59 (when the house gets old mum says to dad that the house is old and we should fix it, and then dad fixes it) 4: 0:01:50 (our mum and dad look after it, or our brothers. If we have no one we just fix it all when we get back. Do you give a tok save first? If I'm going for a long time I tell them to look after things, eat the food and fix the house) 5: 0:03:39 (yes we give money and people work, but if we don't then we just work alone until it's done. What's the rate for one person? K5, K10? We don't hire individuals. If it's just one person we amamas them with food. So it's only when it's a group? Yes when it's a big group we give wanbel money)

Interview - Ulumo, work issues
last edited Dec. 14, 2023, 3:14 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Aiben, work issues
last edited Dec. 14, 2023, 3:14 p.m. by Steve