Breaking the house

last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

3-11 Mourning & Adjustment to Death


While Mourning Nambi Ingis broke the blain off of his house and scared Tolookum away. Me and Rhett went to check it out and ask what happened. When we arrived the mourning was carrying on as normal.


Mosiligam - Ingis broke the blain
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

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(Ingis broke the blain, they heard our brother saying break the blain and that's what they did, they did it for him. There was a talk about if he was to be buried they could do that. Tolookum was scared, they didn't know? Pusila knew, I don't know about them)

Semik - Ingis broke the house
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(did some people get angry? Tolookum were scared. Yes, people got angry. Ingis came to see the body and broke the blain, and people got scared. They did it for Nambi, but Tolookum were scared of this. Tolookum said houses were burned Yes a house in Memetonn was burned, well not a house they broke it and it was naked, they didn't burn a house that was going to stay. So they are not wanbel and they are mourning loudly? Yeah they're mourning and doing bad things. You guys are wanbel and there's no hevi? yes we're wanbel, there's no hevi Tolookum said there was a big hevi There's no hevi, they're just doing bad things in mourning. They're thinking that Nambi is gone and they're burning things and stuff. We're giving them meat as a wanbel. So they did that, Oloonann saw and did a wanbel? Yep.)

Soso - Wanbel for Ingis
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

Yogubo - breaking stuff
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 9:09 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(our parents it was like this, someone died the talk was their food, esee trees, buai trees cut them and go up. Break the house and see the dead, then bury the person and stop doing that stuff. Does that happen today? Some people do it, some people don't)