Hogumam meeting Feb 2023

last edited Jan. 9, 2024, 2:58 p.m. by Steve

3-8 Health & Sickness 5-8 Divination & Revelation


Community meeting in Feb 2023 to discuss the respiratory sickness going around,


Community meeting
last edited Jan. 9, 2024, 2:58 p.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Kokoma community

Orthographic text

(1. Ulumo speaks 1:17 "we need to talk and have wan bel. We need to bring things into the open" Gusobonn interjects agreement "They're bringing God's word? something was up with their house build" 2. Manikula speaks 51s "I had bad thoughts, I didn't give food. We did bad when a pig was given" He finishes his sentance and Mosiligam reinforces his talk 3. Mosiligam and Gusobonn reinforce Manikula's speech 54s Mosiligam "This talk we're having now is about talk a long time ago?" Manikula "I did a bad thing" Mosiligam "We said there was one talk, but we say different things?" Gusobonn "We spoke badly" 4. Manikula speaks 3:12 "I'll speak clearly. Something about food and meat when we put kappa on. I did badly when they were milling. When people gave food I only gave a little. (Didn't catch most of it) I think that's the reason we have this sickness. He finishes his sentence 5. Sibil and Gusobonn comment " This should finish the talk?" 6. Manikula speaks 1:19 We did this. I said something different to other people. The children were happy and eating, something about a singsing. It went wrong. We didn't do what others did and now there's a heavy. I've put my talk now 7. Sibil speaks 7:59 "Something good has come. Something old came, one person brought a new book, we said We 2, some friends came up and some laid down? We have done badly. My name my place something children have come. We gave ground and this didn't go well?... we've given different talk, our talk needs to bung.... Something about meat....I'm rubbish and my ancestors were wild, the white men have brought a book 8. Manikula speaks 1:39 Is he talking about a pig or hidden? Someone is les. "this hevi has come... something, we're bringing this ples klia 9. Ulumo speaks 1:24 "inda said everything. We have 3 marks against us up until now? We'll sort it and finish it. As a community we need to come to one thinking and go inside 10. Gusobonn speaks 1:15 "we speak our way and Ebesil speak their way and that hides the talk from understanding. If we say it right they will get it. If we say it right this hevi will finish" 11. Manikula speaks 38s "this talk came up and so we've gathered and agreed. Something about sweet potatoes. Let's do it right" 12. Nambi speaks 1:26 Barely audible, Nambi was sat far away 13. Manikula speaks 47s "I didn't come when the white women moved in, and so there's this heavy now" 14. Ulumo 1:21 "we've said these things. They're going to do good things, we've done bad. I'm explaining things, we've done bad 15. Mosiligam 15s "We should speak well" 16. Soso 54s "something has gone wrong. This morning we've put good talk" 17. Semik 1:42 "We've used the wrong sounds and this hevi has come" 18. Nambi 4:50 Something about not giving food, we should be wanbel with the white people 19. Ulumo 34s Some comments 20. Manikula 50s "I don't speak Tok Pisin so well?" 21. Gusobonn 40s "our hevi... we were baptised? 22. Ulumo 1:05 My yam garden was ready... I dunno, he talks 23. Sibil 1:10 "the talk is finished" 24. Semik 1:14 "We're saying the wrong sounds?..." Quiet recording 25. Ulumo 1:37 Summary and closing remarks 26. Sibil 1:18 Summary 27. Gusobonn 1:33 Summary 28. Soso 1:48 Tok Pisin message spoken to Steve)