Interview about names

last edited Jan. 24, 2024, 9:27 a.m. by Steve

3-2 Identity & Pride


  1. undum es sannala megite honn ogoo unim pigeb iguguma ig? (when do you give a child it's name?)
  2. enn teme nog ig ungum unim musu abasi, wog ina esiso agamemind. unim musu igita undum es sannalasi ig pigoomung, yog endet holo his ig? (we thought of names for our kids before they were born, do you do the same?)
  3. mogom undum unibm pigeb igu? inda pigeb igu ig oo ina pigeb igu ig? (who names the child, mum or dad?)
  4. honn ogoo yog inda mot musu oboob inda unim undum ogoo utub iguguma, stoli amee (talk about naming kids after family members)
  5. ig mohis body igu, om megite mee? umo? ig mohis wononn igug ig? spirit igu ig? hobol nom om megite mee?
  6. megite honn ogoo undum wononn bodi sindee yab igu? undum es sannala wononn igu ig? inda ina unim piguwasi wononn megine yab igu ig? (when does the spirit enter a child? when it's in the womb, when it's named?)
  7. mohis hiyol ogoo unim ombul igugund, max/habanel, luke/mololo. nom stoli amee (story about people with multiple names)
  8. mohis teenn unum ombul igugund ig? oo mohis hiyol ogoo unim hutam, hiyol ogoo unim ombul ig? (does everyone have 2 names?)
  9. mohis hiyol ogoo unim ombul hutam igugund ig? (are there people with 3 names?)
  10. mohis hiyol ogoo unim sooguwa oboob igugund ig? unim senis pigeb igugund ig? (do people change names and get new ones?)


Interview - Samuel, names
last edited Jan. 24, 2024, 9:27 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (ninil yooguwa unim amb igung, it's not a long time we give male and female names to them. Maybe 1 month?. 1-2 weeks.) 2: 0:01:02 (no we don't know the know beforehand) 3: 0:01:59 (if mum is there she does, if dad is there he does, or another family member might suggest a name and if the parents might call them that. My kids were named by Amon's brothers.) 4: 0:03:16 (if a 3rd born grandperent is around and it's a 3rd born it might be right to call them the same name. The same for 1st borns, or others. So they get the same name? yeah, on it goes to 4 born. does everyone do that? Yes sometimes we all do that and sometimes we pick town names, and for women too. Do they get names from the mother's or father's side? both) 5: 0:05:35 (his hogu is body) 6: 0:06:08 (wononn is spirit, and it tol sindee igu in the body) 7: 0:06:36 (mum and dad talk and have a baby, the parents do the body, inda God egee amo hobol ooguwa wononn onn yogumo pigee, piguwa egee ama hobol angee yam. The spirit is put in and when the child is born it can talk. When inside the belly God gives a spirit and the person becomes a person. What about stillborns? That's when mum or dad do something bad, and the child dies and they bury it. If the parents behave while the baby is in the womb it will be born, and be given a name. So God gives a spirit, but it dies? yes. God thinks that did something they shouldn't so I will punish them) 8: 0:09:52 (Molulu is the tumbana name and Luke is the nambis/Christian name. So when someone goes to town they use their town name? yes, they call their christian name) 9: 0:11:19 (everyone has 2 names. My name is Dun, Kelly's is Sisilib, a pastor blessed my parents and I got his name. Do people call your tumbuna name? no, but some people in the nambis do. Some people call it. We don't call Sisibilb, just one guy does. Can I call your tumbuna names? yes you can.) 10: 0:13:21 (yes some people do, Raymond has lots of names. Raymond, Lambu, Jamie, Tuk and some others we don't know. He goes to new places and gives different names.) 11: 0:14:44 (oogunat hala? some people get new names, they are given names by their parents, but they change them. Puksi did that he changed his name to Feliks. So the child wants to change their name? Yes the child picks a new name they like. Do people change their names because of a hevi? They think it will stop the hevi? No adults don't change their names. We do put new names in town though, and use Christian names.)

Interview - Kavaluku, Names
last edited Jan. 24, 2024, 9:27 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(the first one hem or limonn they umunoo abag they will call the name and they don't, they leave it nothing, the baby feeds until teeth appear and it speaks, and they tie up some meat. When the naming time comes, there's a wanbel with knives and spoons, trousers, necklace they get. One just gets a name, one gets a name from dad, one gets a name. There's gifts and a wanbel. That's for the first child, after that the name is just put. You give a name on day 3? No a long time, 1 year or something. You guys give a name quickly, but we wait a long time) (we don't call the name in the womb, when it's born we call the name, it is hidden until the baby cries, people don't hear the name it comes clear after. That's for the first one, after that we just give names, but they are spoken after they are born. ) (their uncle - mothers side - does, the firstborn. I will name one of Aivan's kids. Kigwam was named by his uncles. After that we just name them, mum and dad pick the name) (we give some kids mum and dad names, we name others after a brother. Kigwam, the name Ulumo chose was Holunann's dad's name. I chose Jack, Moses, Pindom, Enin and Rose as names. Our ancestors allowed uncles to name firstborns, or the next child if something went wrong with the first. After that parents name them.) (body is kagu kis. Yes we have wononn, mokis tol ab yogumo igu is spirit. See Philip's house, that's kagu you see, but Philip kis is inside. Do chickens have a spirit? Yes, and so they talk and move around, but we're not sure about it.) (In their mother's womb. The body is there, but the blood isn't, when the blood comes in and all the parts are finished they are born. What about stillborns? I don't really know. If the his comes the child will talk. The child could also get sick and not get blood, but if the child cries then they become a person.) (I have two names, Kavaluku and Ibinn. My name I've spoken to a brother, to the child 3 we've spoken, 1 we left, 1 was my parents and 1 was uncle. I have 2 names, one my tambus will speak, Ulumo. My kids will say Ulumo's name, Can Ulumo say Ibinn? no. Ulumo can't say either of my names, but Aiven and Domol can. Does Aiven say Kavaluku or Ibinn? He says homom) (everyone has 2 names. Is 1 a tumbuna name and 1 a town name? 1 comes from the Bible Moses, Paul, Ham, David, Noah. When we go to town we use a different name. Moses has 2 names, Pindom has 2 names, 1 is named after Nambi so I can't say it - weniyam. I can't say that so I call him Pindom. Moses is also called Tubulu, Jack is also called Was, Rose is also Mandela, but kigwam and eni have just one name. Do you have two names Aiven? Yes I'm also Obo, Domol has 1 name, Gina has 1 name. Oya is also called elismamul, that's one I can call. Do you say your name is Aiben in town? yes, that's my name. Do some people call you Obo? Yes Who? Pebe, most people call me Aiben. Kavaluku - my town name is Yegiba, I have three names. I named a kid in Pusila that) (yes when we go to the nambis we get new names, but here we use our old names. Our names might be hard to pronounce and we pick new names? Kogoonat is maturing slowly, people grow slowly. Do some kids get tired of their names and change them? Yes we do that, our fathers used to do this. They would get fire, say some stuff and they'd leave the old name behind and give a new name by drawing fire around the baby. )

Interview - Wilip, names
last edited Jan. 24, 2024, 9:27 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Wilip

Interview - Soso, names
last edited Jan. 24, 2024, 9:27 a.m. by Steve