Interviews about education norms

last edited Jan. 22, 2024, 2:19 p.m. by Steve

8-2 Culture & Social Norm Education


  1. yog undum hooyom utub iguguma ig? megite tugub utub iguguma ig? (do you teach your kids, how?)
  2. undum moogut mehamonn noolo hooyom nom, megite tugub hooyom nom utub iguguma ig? hobol hooyom nog amb iguguma ig? oo undum inda ina nog singu heb igugund ig? (do you teach your kids gardening, do you give instruction, or do they just watch?)
  3. simonn uto mehamonn nom, megite tugub undum hooyom oboob igugund ig? (how do kids learn how to do vanilla?)
  4. undum megite mee moogut mehamonn noolo oboob igugund ig? Oscar agabi endet hooyom oboob igugund ig? (which kids learn gardening? Oscar's size?)
  5. lotu, baibel hooyom yog undum osob iguguma ig? (do you teach your kids bible?)


Interview - Samuel, teaching cultural norms
last edited Jan. 22, 2024, 2:19 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (we teach them our behaviour, but not school like you guys. We say thats bad, don't hit people, don't steal, don't talk bad. Good is to like people and give food, and they follow that. That's how you do garden work) 2: 0:01:13 (mum and dad see them doing wrong and say you should do it like this. They talk like that. Do kids see the work and also hear instruction? yes. Boys are told by dad to cut trees like this, build houses like this. Girls are told by their mums to cut grass, get seeds, make feed - they are shown.) 4: 0:02:39 (Oscar is small, kids Wilip's size we show them how to do things. Rhett's kids are big enough.) 3: 0:03:38 (we show them, Wilip's size. By the time they are Owen or Milo's size they should know. Do you pass on tumbuna stories? Yes we do, kids Wilip's size know how ancestors did things. We don't tell little kids, just the big ones. Do you tell them about Mangras? Yes we do) 5: 0:05:40 (If we know then we do, but little kids don't know. We tell them about how to behave and they follow that)

Interview - Iben, culture norms
last edited Jan. 22, 2024, 2:19 p.m. by Steve