Elilim teen dies climbing a buai

last edited Dec. 31, 2021, 1:18 a.m. by Steve

3-12 Suicide & Unnatural Death


Date Team participants National participants
July 11, 2020 Elilim


A teen died 3 days after falling from a buai. The trunk snapped as he was climbing it and he landed with his wind pipe on a koniak stump. We were too early on in CLA to attempt to elicit information. The family in Elilim was reportedly very angry and Kokoma was visibly shaken. Ulumo asked Steve to check his computer for why he died (see Computers as sources of secret talk). Silas, who went to see the body told us that the immediate family became enraged and started breaking houses, they even lashed out with their bush knives and chopped inches above Silas' head. Gerdine heard Nancy say "Sanguma caused him to go up the tree, and Sanguma killed him".


Ulumo's comment and the family's anger clearly show a belief that young people dying is not supposed to happen and foul play is at work if it happens.