Conversations about Nambi's grave

last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 3:01 p.m. by Steve

3-13 Cult of the Dead & After Death


Having conversations with people about ongoing responsibilities to Nambi's grave and possessions, any rituals regarding Nambi that might need to happen now and asking if fear of the dead is a thing.


Yogubo - talking about Nambi's grave
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 3:01 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(we buried Nambi, does someone cut the grass at his grave? His kids cut it, Holunann and Mulil look after the grave. Mele called his kid after Ulumo, has anyone called a child after Nambi? Mulil named a child after Nambi, Tomb. The birth order has to match to recieve the name. Mulil's kid was tomb, so he got the grandfather name. If no kids recieve someone's name is that a problem? That guy who died's own kids will have a child and put that name on them. So if Mulil's kid had an Amand they would be called Mulil Have you broken Nambi's house yet? no it's there. Will it be broken down? It'll stay, now it's Mulil's house and he'll do what he wants. They fixed it from the mourning. And the garden? Holunann and Mulil share it, they will both eat it. Nambi died and we buried him, is there another work to do? When the kids are planting, doing fences and cutting trees they'll think of him and mourn. The rest of us when we are eating or chewing buai we might think and mourn and it'll be done. Some people think about a dead person after they have died get food and put it on the grave, they think about their dad and put food on the grave. They do that, do you guys? We don't do that. When someone dies we kill a pig, eat and bury them. Once they are buried we don't eat for them. The people that do that think that their dad's spirit will be angry if they don't, do you have any thinking about Nambi's spirit? Some people do that, but we don't do that. We're not afraid of the dead.)

Semik - caring for the dead
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 3:01 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Mulil and Holunann built a little sandil. Some graves we leave and trees come up, that's in the bush. Some people make sandils, without rooves, they have fences. The grass will be cut if people want to cut it, otherwise they leave it. His kids are looking after it, there's no one sleeping there but it is there. Mulil and Holunann are looking after it. They will eventually break it down. The kids are looking after the garden. Sometimes the kids will think about their dad, he'll be in their thoughts and then they will work.)

Habanel - caring for the dead
last edited Jan. 30, 2024, 3:01 p.m. by Steve