How our ancestors thought

last edited Jan. 31, 2024, 9:32 a.m. by Steve

3-1 History & Trends


After discussing different beliefs like reincarnation and Islam Habanel shared something about the Kovol ancestors and I grabbed it.


Habanel - what our ancestors thought
last edited Jan. 31, 2024, 9:32 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

wog amb igugund sinnol onn mohis onn eeg iguwot om heb igugund hogot hutee yaga heb igugund higitunn nom hogot heb haga igugund hoombool ilib yaga heb igugund hulub heleb yaga heb igugund heb ogol ooboogooloob haga hamind yab igitasi sinnol wondoob amb igugund mohis nomboo igol sinnol wog wondoob ogoo nomoong heb amb endeteeng neleb igugund wog mohis inom heb yab nongoo iguwot yam hogot wondasi endet omoomog nom unim heb nala angoond yam onn inom yaga ungwuot omboo hogot om wongoo osoob ogoo yog wendenim eb naga om yogoonoong waga eb igugund yab minda minda wondasi uma omboo mohis yomboo iguwot om endet amb misee misee ilib endet sinnol om nemb igugund egendee agamb i uma omboo igugund onnol om aleg omboo yaga heb igugund onn mohis uluguwot bikhet pigeb mohis wog ondu lub ilinn hutee egee mandoogot yam nom endet tuma angoond yam mohis sinnol ooboogooloob yaga heb igugund ig musu tatugum hot wog musu endet nom amasi noogul heb igung