Interview about theory of education

last edited Feb. 1, 2024, 3:26 p.m. by Steve

8-1 Theory & Methods of Education


  1. undum hebigondoo wog hooyom agabi wig. moogut mehamonn noolo hoyoom wig, tol ab lomoto mehamonn hooyom wig. mohis agabi wog hoyom agabi, nom stoli amee (adults know more than kids, talk about that)
  2. megite tugub undum hooyom oboob oboob hooyom mohis heleb igugund? (how do kids learn stuff?)
  3. mohis anamag hooyom agabi ig? (are old men knowledgable?)
  4. mohis anamag mohis ambuambul hooyom osob igugund ig? (do old men teach the married men?)
  5. tumandag wog teme palug hooyom osoob igugund ig? (do old women teach the young women?)
  6. ab hulum ogoo undum teenn skul yab igugund ig? (do all kids at the nambis go to school?)
  7. ab hulum wog undum skul oboob, hooyom hele, wog bili ulomb igugund ig? (do kids in the nambis that get an education have a good sit down?)


Interview - Sibil, Education theory
last edited Feb. 1, 2024, 3:26 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Habanel, education theory
last edited Feb. 1, 2024, 3:26 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Samuel, education theory
last edited Feb. 1, 2024, 3:26 p.m. by Steve