Interview about debts

last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:40 a.m. by Steve

7-7 Borrowing & Lending


  1. noobug hobol dinau amb igung, igel hobol om megite mee? (what is Kovol for dinau?)
  2. megite honn ogoo mohis hum oboob igugund? (when do people borrow money?)
  3. mohis mu utub igu, nom pinot ig? (is it a problem if people don't pay back a dinau?)
  4. mohis hutee beel wig, beel mehamonn nenim eb naga, onn moo beel oboob mehamonn egee nann ig? (will a man borrow an axed to get axe work done?)
  5. mohis hulili wog nom, moo hulil oboob sinnol mongoloob iguguma ig? (would a man borrow a dog to hunt game?)
  6. moo beel oboob mehamonn neleb, sogu tugub mohis wees utugum ig? oo beel nom inda utugum no loogooneeng ig? (would it be ok to lend a borrowed axe to someone else?)
  7. ab hulum ogoo stoa yog hum oboob iguguma ig? (do stores give you dinaus?)
  8. bank yog hum oboob iguguma ig? (do banks give you loans?)


Interview - Alus, borrowing
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:40 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, dinau
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:40 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Brus, dinaus
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:40 a.m. by Steve