Interview about words causing results

last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m. by Steve

5-5 Luck & Chance


  1. oo ig nim higoomung yam Ulumo honn honn amoot "holoogul heseb mandas" et nom stoli amee (when we were milling Ulumo always said stand up strong and walk about, talk about that)
  2. Ulumo endet ama, ig holoogul oboob mu yolu yamung ig? (when Ulumo said that did we not fall down?)
  3. ig hobol holoogul ig? endet ig hobol amusu sogu tugub hobol noogul egee hann ig? (do our words have power, does saying it make it true?)
  4. ig amoong "sib mu egee lebinn" oong, ooguwa boogul sib mu egee lebinn ig? (if we say it's not going to rain, is it true that it won't rain?)
  5. komuniti osigim lub hobol hutam angoond "etilig wi haga" oogoond, ooguwa mohis etilig bili egee hann ig oo hiyol ogoo yot egee hann ig? (when the community meets and says the sick is done, will the sick be done, or sometimes does the person get worse?)
  6. enn hobol aminim "mohis endet etilig egee hann" enim, ooguwa noogul mohis etilig egee hann ig? (if I say that person will get sick, will that person get sick?)
  7. mohis honn honn ogoo hobol bili singu amb, mohis endet bili egee puguminn ig? pinot mu egee ebinn ig? (if someone always has good talk will that person not have hevis?)


Interview - Alus, words causing things
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, words causing things
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m. by Steve

Yogubo - making corn grow with words?
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(context - if I have 2 corn plants and I say to 1 grow well and the other I say nothing, will the one I spoke to grow well? no, we just speak and no strength goes. We just talk. We don't tell it to grow big, we would just leave talk. The food will go into the ground and grow and be ready, we don't say that. If we say that if the ground doesn't give it then it won't be good. Some will grow well and some won't)

Interview - Brus, words causing things
last edited Feb. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m. by Steve