last edited March 12, 2024, 4:06 p.m. by Rhett
One day I was helping Kavaluku in his garden and he told me a series of stories about how his people took the land they were settled in, when that happened and when the kiyaps came.
(tell Rhett when the internet is back to paste the text here, he forgot to do that!)
enn noogul enn mokis noomboo tooboom ig eb i enn nann kooloongas ig igugum ig abi onn inda mangulas ebig yab i noogul enn noomboo igugum ab i enn kobol oom amoongoom yam ee belee egee igu, abagam belee igu
mangulas kooloongas imagulee menum oolim keemann melil selili kavaluku mooses amoos
enn noomboo enn noomboo igugum ig ab i enn kenee noom agamoogoom yat ilib enn enn emiyab oogoo ilib oogoo agamoogoom amoos noomboo ig igugum eb i amoongoom noogul noomboo igum ig eb i enn kobol oom agamoongoom
(tell Rhett when the internet is back to paste the text here, he forgot to do that!)
kovol, noogul kovol edeteng amoongoond yam noogul amoongoond yam igemind yam ig isig amind yam tambam igito ??? ig emind kebegenee yab kabagigo kebegenee yab kibagigo emind aya tobotug eb oomboo ig kooyom mokis oom tatug deteng amas yam ig kebegene yab kibagigo kobol kutam amind kobol kutam amotug yam amotug yam a kegegenee yab kibabigo lib emind yam ig kobol meteg kooloot tobotug teb i teb i aya yab aya um igung egend yam %ignore% ig kenee kutam egend yam ig kenee kutam agamb i woteleb i yam kebegenee kis yab kiguwabi koo yab um koma ??? kebegee kibagwa meteg meteg igung egoond yam meteg meteg yab emind yam ig kobol mokis tobotug teb i yab noogul aya yab aya noomboo kooyom wig egee noomboo yab goosebi (kombumbuwa) ig tobotug emind yam amoognoom yam stori noom endeteng amoongoom yam ??? noom amoongoom yam aya kayim oogoo kambumuwa oogoo igugund yam kavaluku amoogot oomo ig kobol kutee migemb igung kayim oomboo kombumuwa egend yam kombumbuwa mokis igugund yagam oomboo geni ig igung kaleng oomboo geni kulum oomboo yat kooloo yat emind yam kaleng nann %ignore% nann geni a ??? yat emind yam nann, tomb ig yagam igung ig ig yagam kombumbuwa mokis tolokum mokis pusila mokis kookoomom mokis kookoomom mokis, evesil mokis noom agamb i oogooteleb yab kenee noo wogootooloond kombumuwa yab kenee wog oogootooloond oogootooloob ogooteleb kookayig liboot ilibi tolokum ?? kobol ??? um tolokum agamb i kum tolokum agambi ku kayig kis amoong undum amo kookayig amo??? undum ama lib pooloong um liboot undum kutee amb lib undum kutee amb lib pooloong oom liboot (note: having too much trouble with this text. maybe will revisit later)