Interviews about property

last edited March 26, 2024, 9:37 a.m. by Steve

7-2 Personal & Communal Property


  1. om enn obo, nom noonn obo. inda hutam his. komuniti minda minda igu ig? komuniti teenn inda his ig? (is there such a thing as communal property?)
  2. ig chainsaw enn pusilim munum pigisi, Rhett pusilim munum piguwa, Philip pusilim munum piguwa sogu tugub ig oboomung. Enn chainsaw inda wig, ig teenn chainsaw inda. Ig endet noloomung, yoog endeteeng neleb iguguma ig? (we went 1/3s on the chainsaw, do you guys do stuff like that?)
  3. moo hutam solar ebegee, solar aba enn monail sas piginim eb, nom loogooneeng ig? (if a friend gets a solar panel is it ok to charge my phone with it?) 4.ab hulum mohis wog minda minda agabi, honnot hamangut sog, solar, mobail igu. wog minda midna agabit endet, honn huyol ogoo yog musom heel heleb ig? (do you get jealous of all the things that town people have?)
  4. megitee ab hulum minda minda yog ilu eb nagama ig? (what town things do you want?)
  5. om Kokoma ab, yom om tolookum yombonn. megitee mee ab ombul hinpannabigee? noononn om megite mee? (what is the border between here and tolookum?)
  6. pusila?
  7. ingis?
  8. noononn senis pigeb igu ig? oo hutam his igu? (does the border change, or does it stay the same?)
  9. famili hutam moogut ubugund, nim balem pigoond. sogu tugub mohis hoogoot heleb, nim balem oboob ab wees pigee. Onnol ab agabi pigeb, mohis wees ab hebigonoo pigeb. mohis hiyol ogoo nom neleb igugund ig? nom bili his oo yot ig? (after planting a garden do people sometimes quietly move the border to give themselves more space? is that good or bad?)
  10. mohis wees noonn ab yombonn pasum nooloo, nom hobol amee. (story about other people stealing your land).


Interview - Mosiligam, communal property
last edited March 26, 2024, 9:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (my bag is just mine, but when it comes to community stuff that's when we have a project. We meet and agree on a project and then there will be different owners of things. Like wanting to make an airstrip and then you'd get community spades? yeah that stuff, We don't know if there is that stuff for us, but if there was a guy who was there and gave it to us we'd do the work. So community stuff for doing projects exists? We gathered to make your houses, but the houses are yours, but we did the work, but it's your place.) 2: 0:03:44 (Inabee had an idea, and arranged a group of mothers and they all put K20, and they bought roofing iron, and a member saw that it was given, We got it and came and the kapa was for making an aid post building. We were doing that and then you guys came, and we gave you the ground. So we met and did that, but we left it because you guys came, we gave you the place for building your houses. Now we've all gathered to go with you, we'll work. We don't know what we'll do with the kapa, but we'll work with you and it's your ground and your houses. So that's the story with kapa, do you guys gather money to buy axes? No, we each buy that individually. Communal work is from Inabee, or our kaunsil who might give us axes and machetes for keeping the roads clear, and then we'll meet and do the work. Would you gather money with your brother to buy an axe? If my money is short and I want an axe we do gather money within our family. If the Kaunsil or office say there is work to do then we'll do it.) 3: 0:09:05 (If my friend has one and I don't then I'll ask and he'll say that I can and I'll charge it. So if he's wanbel I can charge, yes if I'll charge it if we're good.) 4: 0:10:07 (yes we do that we see their good things and we want them. We don't have money to get it. We might have money for kapa, but there's no road for it, so we left it. What good things are there in the nambis? rice, kapa, we see all the nice things. We'd like to have it, but we leave it) 6: 0:12:14 (nomom mogol, the barret that has Esalumand in it. The land is split either side of Esalumand, it cuts it.) 7: 0:13:20 (for Puslia it is Tomogonn pooloonn) 8: 0:13:36 (the big river) 9: 0:14:00 (the mark is the same, it doesn't change. Our ancestors had that border, and we think it is the same) 10: 0:14:49 (Long ago it was one, but now it has been split into clans - misunderstood what I intended with the question - Do people move the nim balem? - misunderstood again -, but moving the nim balem is stealing) 11: 0:16:39 (Nangabe are going over the mark, and now they are fighting, if they walked about on their own land there wouldn't be fighting. Guy points to three ridges on the kappa, they came over to the third one over the border. They are stealing. Do they know about the border? Yes, but they are les and they have come.)

Interview - Umendu, communal property
last edited March 26, 2024, 9:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

6: 0:11:23 (Esulumand cuts it) 7: 0:12:09 (Tomoogonn) 8: 0:12:20 (Yagib river)

Interview - Ilal, communal property
last edited March 26, 2024, 9:37 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

6: 0:08:34 (Eseelumand river) 7: 0:08:51 (Tomoogonn) 8: 0:09:05 (Yagib river)