Interviews about buying and selling

last edited March 28, 2024, 9:17 a.m. by Steve

7-13 Buying; Selling & Consuming


  1. ab om megite mee stoa igu? Sewan igu ig? (where are there stores?)
  2. honn ogoo mohis maket pogeb igugund ig? megite ab ogoo maket pigeb igugund? (are there markets?)
  3. maket nom mohis minda pendebigeb, pusulim noononn bili pendebigeb igugund oo agabi pendibigeb igugund? (what are the prices like at the market?)
  4. honn ogoo hogot, hombol ta pusilim munum pigeb, pendibigeb iguguma ig? (do you sell fish and pigs?)
  5. mohis hiyol ogoo bateli, pepa pendebigeb igugund ig? (do some people sell batteries and newspaper?)
  6. yog minda isig pusilim pendebigeb iguguma ig? endet sibilig isig 5 kina noononn pigeb, pendebigeb iguguma ig? (do you sell old things, say like an old machete for K5?)
  7. mohis hutee mena wig, mena nemb yab yab i wi haga, mohis endet pusilium munim monduguwa utub mena egee ebinn ig? (would a hungry person buy food from his brothers?)


Interview - Aiben, buying and selling
last edited March 28, 2024, 9:17 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 (There are stores in Madang, and in Sewan and on the NCR there are small stores that are part of people's houses. Do you get stuff from the Sewan store? Yes sometimes we do, but if we need to get a lot of stuff we go to town. Are the prices in the Sewan store good? Rice is expensive, but other things are ok. It is cheaper in town. So if you want a lot of stuff you pay the PMV fare and go to town? Sometimes the bus is K20, sometimes K25, we got to town and to bring stuff back is K5 extra for the PM0, we pay it and bring our things.) 2: 0:02:50 (In the bush we have Eniyon market, there's a market down there and over there they have Wednesday market, Kobumbua have a Saturday market. What do they sell? People get stuff from their house and bring it for market time, bateli, sol, pepa, flex cards, lighters, pig meat, game, food, rice) 3: 0:04:04 (Bush things are sold at the right price) mee munum endee (that's good, store goods are marked up) tondee soguwa nomboo pigeb igugund (rice is sold at K7-10, in the store it is K3-4. The sellers are thinking about the hevi they endured to get it there and put a lying price) 4: 0:05:25 (we don't really sell game to each other, but we might sell it at market. Fish is the same, we'd sell it at Kobumbua, but mostly since we don't have much meat we eat it. So how about when Dramat was selling pig meat? Yes we sell pig meat, not small meat. If we don't have money we kill a pig, sell it and friends will get the meat and then we're still in our place. ) 5: 0:07:08 (some people sell yes. Pepa, bateli, masis. Over there Silat sells, Mogam sells. Do they sell at a markup? They sell at what they think is best. Paper is sold at 50t a sheet, batteries are sold at 60-90t each. So they make a small profit? yep, they want to get things for their friends and they also make a small profit) 6: 0:08:55 (No we don't do that. People by the road do that, but here in the bush we don't. Do you sell animals? Yes we sell puppies for K20, and female piglets for K100-200. Male piglets are K50-100, some try to sell for more. We don't sell kittens) 7: 0:11:29 (If someone is hungry the women get food cook it and give it to them. There might be a K2 amamas. We don't really have that happening here, we all have food.)

interview - Ulumo, buying and selling
last edited March 28, 2024, 9:17 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, buying and selling
last edited March 28, 2024, 9:17 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:01:32 3: 0:03:48 (singu maket, hobumbua maket, sima or nangave maket, another market over there that I don't know. What do you get at the market? Salt and rice, tobacco, lighters, torch bulbs) (They put a little on top of cost price) endee omboo ebeb yam oogoond ig amb igugund oo ig noononn tondee sog omboo egee nolug eb wom omboo ebeb igugund oo endee omboo ebeb oo om tondee sog omboo pigoond yam sog omboo pigeb mee munum minda pendebigoond yam 4: 0:05:08 5: 0:06:18 6: 0:08:25