Interviews about God's nature

last edited April 2, 2024, 9:25 a.m. by Steve

5-1 Gods & Spirits


  1. unim megite mee yog God amb iguguma ig? (what do you call God?)
  2. God onn omonn megite mee? mohis enninnot ig? mohis egendee ig? bilil ig? (what is God's behaviour like?)
  3. oo megite mehamonn God noloot ig? (what did God do in the past?)
  4. su megite mehamonn God neleb igu ig? (what does God do now?)
  5. God nom moloomunn ig oo teme ig? (is God male or female?)
  6. God hogu his igu ig? (does God have a body?)
  7. mohis hiyol ogoo wog nim oboob siligiteb, higitunn neleb igugund. higitunn neleb mohis higutnn oo sinnol higitunn, sogu togub wog ab peg pigeb lotu neleb igugund. hobol amb "higitunn nom God his" oogoond. nom omonn bili ig oo yot ig? (is the worship of idols good or bad?)
  8. mohis hiyol ogoo wog musu endet God his hogu nom sinnol his. wog musu bili ig? (some people thing God has an animal's body, is that good thinking?)
  9. God megite tugub ig mohis amb igu? (how does God speak to people?)
  10. God nom mohis holoogul ig? (is God strong?)
  11. God nom mehamonn nala onn musom mannag eb egee yann ig? (when God does some work does he get tired?)
  12. enn hooyom hebigondoo, minda ubiyab enn hooyom wig. God endet holoo his ig? God hooyom om megite mee? (I don't know lots of stuff, is God the same?)
  13. God om megite ab ogoo igu? (where is God?)
  14. holi spirit om megite mee? (what is the holy spirit?)
  15. holi spirit nom, yog megite mee amg iguguma ig? (what do you call the holy spirit?)
  16. holi spirit megite mee mehamonn neleb igu ig? (what does the holy spirit do?)


Interview - Molulo, God's nature
last edited April 2, 2024, 9:25 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:44 3: 0:02:34 4: 0:03:36 5: 0:05:35 6: 0:05:50 7: 0:07:44 8: 0:09:23 9: 0:10:43 10: 0:12:48 11: 0:13:13 12: 0:14:39 13: 0:15:25 14: 0:17:23

Interview - Semik, God's nature
last edited April 2, 2024, 9:25 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 ig hobol ogoo inda eb igung inda god eb igung. mohis agabi nom moogom? mohis agabi eb amb igung nom yisas eb igung yisas nom moo eb igung ig moo. inda god eb igung onn undum eb igung nom yisas (we say inda for God and mohis agabi or moo for Jesus) 2: 0:00:47 nom amb igung oo inda god onn eb igung oo mohis onnol obugum wog usomoot eb igung moo hoomonn ilu yo onom onn undum egee ham a adam onn undum nomoomung oo. undum es nduguloot nom ongonn hobol mu wombagabiga ongoo a onn enninnot neleb onn undum wondoot eb igu wog wondulub a liboot eb igung eb igung moo yisas onn asam omboo ilib eb igung oo bili nom god om hoomonn mohis wog wondoot yam ogootooloob yisas olu mee ig mohis hogu oboot eb igung obu ig moo oboom ig hogu om oboob eb igung oo ina mesisoo egee yab es sann hala eb igung oo mohis egee wog endet oboot yam wi holoot om eb igung nala endet bili yot nom igisis eb amoot omboo wog egee igung eb endeteeng amoong yam (we say that god made us with his own hands, and Jesus loved us and became a baby of Adam. He didn't sin for us and God punished him, Jesus went above and God hits for his good behaviour? Jesus took our sin, and we got him, he took our sin and went into a woman's bellyand was born, he became a man and got it. Finished and now we will be good is what we say.) . 3: 0:01:58 nom amb igung oo mee mee teenn mu agamoot nom eb igung nom ab yombonn nim mee mee teenn ogoo mu agamoot eb igung oo God onnol hobol om nog agamoot amb i oo mohis endet es senn heleb i hobol hutam egee agamoot om mee mee nom teenn tatugum endet agamoot oo mohis es sann hala -yab igung ogoo- mena pannab i yat hulinam yab heb igung pegeenn hulinam yooguwa hootugunee ilat hoong yam ab yombonn es sonn nduguloot om sindee mannab leb yooguwa ab om mohis es sonn nduguloot nom om unim nom oboot hoong yam ebeb i agamb hat oo endet mee mee teenn nom hum ama es senn helemind hum ama es sonn nduguloot nomol om pannab heleb yat hootugunee ilat onn es senn heleb hagand hulinam om ama yat ogoo eb ogooteleb haga hat oo pegeenn et taba egee yam mee mee teenn hobol egee agamoot sinnol ama es senn helemind es sann halasi endet wog hat wog heb ogooteleb agamb i amb hat oo musu ama hat oo mohis hutee om emind endet amb i mohis hogu nooloot hoong yam mohis obugum wog neleb i hutee endet onnol hobol nom hum mohis ama hum salibee haga ama hum saliboot hoong yam salib i onn hobol onnol nog egee agamoot nom his onn undum obugum wog nooloot nom hebegenee wombagab es enn amb ligilog holoot hoong yam ligilog nom musom letee eb hat oo mohis usomoot etinn "inda" et "inda" eb agamoot nom inda his mu hann inda his hogot -too wendinn- nom endet nom amb igu ogooteleb igita hobol hum amoot "inda" et "inda" eb ham hat oo om hutee inda om hutee noonoong ogoo igugum eb endet amo hooyom nooloot inda enn inonn ogoo igu hobol mondu egee amoot "nom salamb ig inda" eb -igu- sogu tugub god megite mee nooloot? sogu tugub mohis es susoomoot mohis susomb endet onnol his hogu om endet eb haga nom teenn neleb wi tugub onnol hobol om moo pigoot hoong yam bili heb hoong ham oo agamb salib -- (Before there was anything and it was just God he spoke. People were made and good made everything, our ancestor was there, day and night happened, the ground was made and people were made. Everything was made by him speaking, the water and sjy wasmade and night came, he said. Left that and the next day he made animals and left that. Then he thoughtand made people, he spoke and made mans body and hands, he came alive and he said "father". he said dad. After that he waited for man and made everything. his own word here he put -Jesus- and said I waill follow father.) 4: 0:05:20 see om hamoong oo igel yonong ogoo igung yogoonong igita igel mohis -ogoo isoomung- ig hobol egee yonong egee amoong om mohis wees -singa onn- heb endet nom amoong yam wees yann omboo mu igong igel yongoo sindee egee igung nom onnol haga nonnol inda ogoo inda heb endet nom amb igung enn mohis enee yom enn ogoo igisinim inda haga noong egee -nista- noon haga noon undum endet nom amb liba es nduguloot see om endet nomboo hooyom heleb igu god yogoonong igu hoong. (Now he is with us, he's inside us.) 5: 0:06:18 amoong yam oo inda eb amoong ig hobol endet inda heb amoong nom amoong yam moloomunn amoong yam ina eb egee amoong yam teme hoong yam nom moloomunn mesag es nduga teme sogu tugub toboot hoong yam ig hobol endet amb igung. inda god om mu hooyom hang hogu mu hoong hobondoo mu hoong ig endet egee amoong inda wonong humann ig endet amb igung om wonong hum onnol haga endet mohis hogu om usamoot nom Adam om musom hot hoong yam ama nom hogu nom onn nombo es hogu es ndguloot om tumbig nom yat i yongoo oomoo moo onn yisas ongoo liba onnol hum ina mesiso ogoo haga endet moo unim hogu es sann hala es sann hala -mee mee mep yagob- onn liboom ogoo egee taga bili omboo hum egee oboogoom heb endet hang (because we say father we know God is male. We can't see God because he's a spirit or wind. He created Adam's body and Adam, and later Jesus became a man.) 6: 0:06:34 7: 0:08:04 ig amb igung endet higitunn noolo ig mu egee nolug heb igung ig om hobol omboo hum noogul heb igutug endet nom amb igung om hobol om amb i oo mohis his menn mu egee heyoo enn hobol om hutam his nom loogooneeng tugula nom enn egee - yongoo iluminim- nom hobol mondu -ibiyag- igita nomboo igitug heb i endet agamb higitunn heb igung om his sannateb nim hot sannateb oboob ilib piguwo sinnol oboob teb egee ilug nom endet mu nang yam endet igitug heb igung ig yom hobol om salamb enn his mu egee heeyo noonnol moo om heb noonol om heb amb i ig inda egee yom -inug- eb agamb moo heb endet nom amb nim sog endet angee yam ama migimoong omboo agamoomung -yongoo eeg- yog honnot nom tabagama tabasi ig amoong ig monduguwa toboogoond heb agabagam bili hann bili yogoonong mohis inda ongoo egee yogoonong igu inda yonoong iguwot om ogoo moo honnot genee om ig ig hooyom wig omboo yongoo nom yongoo ama tebegee teenn ig yot om ongoo igisi yog henim eb toboogot omboo ilu abagam bili nom onn nog igisisu ongoo bili nom yog ig musu endeteeng (that's not something we do, God's face cannot be seen and so we won't be cutting a image and saying it's God. We'll listen to God's word. Now you white men have come as our brothers and God is with us.) 8: 0:10:25 nom musu yot holoo sinnol oboob ilib angoond oo henenmbee ilib angoond oo ig hobol hot egenn hogot ogoo ilib egee angoond nom ig ammong nom yot mohis ongol onn hobol om mohis hogu wombagoot omboo om hobol om hutam salamb ongoo ig monduguwa wog osisu hobol om habibigeb hobol loogooneeng egee amasi hooyom holug ig hobol endeteeng amoong (It's bad, and when our friends translate the talk we'll learn.) 9: 0:11:17 ig mohis onn amb igu? god amb igu enn ennel his hogu om heb igu ennel obugum noononn heb igu ennel hobol heb igu noon noonong egee iguwot noon musu hutam his ennel igita enn noononn igisinim heb igugum god hobol endet yogoonoong angee yam amoong yam hobol endet amb igung. ennel his hogu om teenn heb nom nesonn omboo see om nom enn egee taba ennel noononn egee salib ennel sindee sindee omboo noononn egee igisinim egemee yanim ogoo yonnongoo yanim god nom tebenim mena nonong nemb i ennel noononn egee salbisi ennel musu hutam igisisi igita onn tesimee nomboo ennel nom oboob ennel toloogot nomboo endet angee yam heb i om hooyom ilib igung (God speaks in my body, he puts a mark that I percieve when he has a thought he wants me to know, God speaks inside me) 10: 0:12:22 god mohis holoogul, holoogul heleb endet ubi yomoo egee yann mohis onnol hobol noogul ilu eb mohis nog iguwot nom hoong yam onnol yomboo -mandanel- enn mohis teenn wi heleb egee amom wi nom moses sooguwa ete utub enn teb egee god amb i ennel mohis heb yoong yam yab oboob om ab bili egee usoomoot pegeenn heb musu endeteeng igu. (he's strong, he told Moses that he is the I am and made that clear.) 11: 0:12:59 nomboo enn mu hooyom agam god egee amoong yam endet god wonong hulinam, pegeenn ig mehamonn yang yam amoong yam inong amom aleg mandoong yam onn ligilog endet omboo om his hogu ilol obo wig onnol ligilog nom iguwot. inda mu ingingee yam hulinam yonong yam otoloo igugund pegeenn egee mandoong yam hab igita hala egee yann -lemenag- egee onom onn heb igita amoong yam ig musu endeteeng igu inda angoom onn ligilog singelinn ogoo (i don't know, but he's a spirt so day and night he's awake, he doesn't sleep, he's always awake.) 12: 0:14:20 god hooyom agabi isig ig mohis hogu nog om hooyom tandeeng god hooyom agabi isig om teenn ab ab yombonn ogoo mee mee teenn onn heb igu hotugunee omboo mee mee heb igu endet nom heb igu nomol yogumoo mee mee heb igu god hooyom hoong yam onn haga mee mee teenn heeyas god hooyom agabi isig ig mohis hogu hooyom tandeng om hutee mee heb hooyom hann omm hutee mu heb hooyom hann endet nom haga hooyom egee iguwot nom yog yongoo igu monduguwa yongoo ogoo igu ig hogu yu ongoo mu igu ig mee mee musom ogosu omboo hooyom hann om mu egee hoong nom yog hooyom igugund ologom mugite tugub egee igitug agamb egee toboong nom hooyom haga yam see ogoo igung nom hoyoom hagama yama liba ig yogoonong yog hutee yogonnong agamb yogonong amasi hooyom hann ig see om endeteeng igung endeteeng igung heb amasi hoyoom hann igel hoog eb eeg ilib hoyoom holom hobol om hutam his -migi- god hobol sande ogoo yab mohis homongot yogonong lotu piguwa hooyom holoomung yam god hobol endet angee hooyom heleb ig mibemb mandoomung yam om hiyol ogoo hooyom holoomung yam habandum pigomot yam om hiyol ogoo mu hooyom singu hum mandemind nom endeteeng nagam (God has big knowledge, and people have small knowledge. God sees everything on the earth, he sees the sky and in the water and knows everything, pepole know little. You white people have come for us and you will teach. You guys know a bit more and you'll teach us and we'll understand. It's the same as when a leader would teach us on Sunday and some people would listen and learn, and some people wouldn't.) 13: 0:16:28 God ennel yogoonong egee heb ig musu endeteeng oboogoom igel yonong igu mohis yogumoo ig heb endet amoong yam mohis neleb i -ogootooloong omoo yogumoo yat- yogumoo yooguwa salib inda heb mu hat hoong yam mohis yogumoo igugund -emba- enn noonoong egee igugum noonn nonnol enn endet hutam hooyom igita enn noonnol enn egee hutam hooyom igita nom ennel haga nongoo endet amoot om ig musu endet amb igung. (God is with us, he is inside people is what we say. He went inside man -Adam- and he got up and didn't see God, he's inside people. He said he would be inside people.) 14: 0:17:14 hobondoo hesiloo hoong yam. endet inda inda oboonn moo ogoo oboot hoong yam nom om yisas onn unim ogot hoong yam hobondoo om yisas om hum begee yat nom hoong yam oo hobondoo ogoo yat om unim hobondoo omboo endet hoogoot holot nong yam hoogoot heleb bili nom ig om hutee ig om hutee yogoonong sindee ogoo igu heb amoong yam enn yogoonong egee igisis enn naga heb singu heb angee endet nom amb igung (he's the forbidden spirit, God had him and Jesus had him. The spirit went to Jesus and was then hidden, he was inside.) 16: 0:17:58 onn musu esigee yam endet nom amoong yam endet aleg omboo yanim nom -isigam- nom musu nom hiyol om yu egenn nom mehamonn endeteeng neleb igu musu bili om esiginn moo hutee egee tebinn egee ama hobondoo musu endeteeng yog esigee hoong yam endet amoong. pasum mu noolo, teme mu mee mee too egee onnol musu enn homongot omboo endeteeng hala hoong oo hoboondoo holi spirit nom ogoo enong igu endet nom angoom nom enn homonn yot egee tugenim oo egee wendinn nom ab yombonn omboo mu igita heb egee wendinn omoo homonn bili igisis bili egee isigsinim endet amb igung (he gives us thoughts is what we say. He tells us what road to go down and gives us good thoughts. Jesus said the spirit would come, and the spirit gives us good thoughts. Don't steal, don't something your wife, these thoughts come into my head and it's the holy spirit.)

Interview - Yagil. God's nature
last edited April 2, 2024, 9:25 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

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