Interviews about avoidance and taboo

last edited April 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m. by Steve

5-9 Avoidance & Taboo


  1. mohis asam tol ab iga puguminn, nom loogooneeng ig oo wig ig? (would it be ok for a guy to sit under a house on stilts?)
  2. enn mena tabil pigisi, teme hutam asam yann, lolomboo holoometeb, teme mena asam yann. Nom bili ig? (is it ok for a lady to step over a bowl of food?)
  3. undum ina mesiso igita mohis undum ogoo aminn, nom logooneeng ig? (is it ok to talk about a baby in the womb?)
  4. mohis hutam obugum higeb, laplap pigeb, alub, sogu tugub laplap mut ogoo piginn. Nom bili ig oo yot ig? (if a guy cuts himself and cleans the blood with a laplap and throws that in the fire is that good?)
  5. ab otoloo yab iguwonn, nonn hogot hooloogat oo hulub holoogat heb, lagab iguguma ig? (are you scared of pigs or cassowaries?)
  6. andu lagab iguwonn ig? (are you scared of snakes?)
  7. etilig lagabu iguwonn ig? (are you scared of sickness?)
  8. noonn umo lagab iguwonn ig? (are you scared of your death?)
  9. mohis hiyol ogoo lagab igugund ig? (are some people scared of the dark?)
  10. honn hiyol ogoo mohis talab, tol ab sindee agamb igugund ig? (are people sometimes so scared they stay in their house?)
  11. honn hiyol ogoo mohis hesioloo heleb, egemee agamb igugund ig? (do people sometimes have to stay away from everyone else?)
  12. teme tol ab sindee undum es sonn hann, nom loogooneeng ig?


Interview - Yagil, taboos
last edited April 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Samuel, taboos
last edited April 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m. by Steve

Interview - taboos, Tolookum
last edited April 2, 2024, 11:42 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Guys from Tolookum