Interviews about spirits

last edited April 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. by Steve

5-1 Gods & Spirits


  1. ubi megite mee? stoli amee (what is a spirit?)
  2. mohis ubi heb igugund ig? (can people see spirits?)
  3. ubi ubiyab igugund ig oo tondeee igugund ig? (are there lots of spirits or few?)
  4. ubi bili igugund ig oo yot igugund ig? (are spirits good or bad?)
  5. megite ab ogoo ubi igugund ig? (where are spirits?)
  6. ubi mohis homongot igu ig? (do spirits have a leader?)
  7. Satan nom mohis moogom? (who is Satan?)
  8. Satan mehamonn megite mee neleb igu ig? (what does Satan do?)
  9. unim megite mee Satan amb iguguma ig? (what names do you call Satan?)
  10. honn hiyol ogoo ubi sinnol yogumoo igugund ig? (do spirits go inside animals?)
  11. honn hiyol ogoo ubi nim oo pusilim yogumoo igugund ig? (do spirits go inside of trees and rocks?)
  12. oo, honn henee nom, megite tugub ubi es helemind ig? (how were spirits created in the beginning?)


Interview - Yagil, spirits
last edited April 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. by Steve

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Interview - Samuel, spirits
last edited April 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. by Steve

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Interview - Tolokum, spirits
last edited April 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. by Steve

    Speaker: Tolookum guys

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:43 3: 0:01:06 4: 0:01:48 5: 0:03:23 6: 0:05:00 8: 0:05:32 10: 0:07:14

Interview - Semik, spirits
last edited April 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:00:31 3: 0:01:24 4: 0:02:00 5: 0:02:36 6: 0:03:44 7: 0:04:44 11: 0:06:13 10: 0:07:31 12: 0:08:46