Interviews about social stratification

last edited April 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m. by Steve

3-21 Social Stratification & Status


  1. moloomunn holoogul, wog nim higeb igugund, toloogot pigeb igugund. teme wig wog holoogul iba, stoli amee (talk about men being stronger than women)
  2. moloomunn hooyom om teme hooyom subabigeb igugund ig? teme wog hooyom hebigondoo, mohis hooyom agabi ig? (does men's knowledge beat women's knowledge?)
  3. yog mohis homnogot, sibill, ulumo, kavaluku, megite tugub wog mohis homogot helemind ig? (how did your leaders become leaders?)
  4. ab hiyol ogoo undum hem mehamonn agabi neleb igugund. inda uma wog teenn tulomb igu, sogu mendenn osob igu. famili sindee nom hem mohis homongot heleb igu. Yog endeteeng his ig? (in some places the firstborn is a leader, is that the same with you?)
  5. ab hulum mohis nom, mohis hiyol ogoo mee munum mohis. megite tugub wog mee munum mohis heleb igugund ig? (how did rich people in the nambis get rich?)
  6. megite tugub ig mohis honnot mee munum mohis heleb igung? (how did we white people get rich?)
  7. yog mohis sinnol mongolomo nom mogom? mohis mogom honn honn ogoo sinnol oboob igugund? (who is good at hunting?_)
  8. mohis nom megite henee ogoo wog sinnol ubiyab heb igugnd? (why do they see so much meat?)
  9. mohis hutee sinnol mongominim eb, mohis hiyol ogoo hobol amb endet "sinnol egee igisinn?" eb?
  10. Vocabulary for slavery?


Interview - Semik, social stratification
last edited April 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Dramat, social stratification
last edited April 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m. by Steve

Interview - Yagil, social stratification
last edited April 8, 2024, 11:11 a.m. by Steve