Seeing a hubi at Eseelumand story

last edited April 11, 2024, 1:32 p.m. by Steve

5-1 Gods & Spirits


During Interviews about spirits Samuel mentions a story of people long ago seeing an hubi, a devil meri at Eseelumand. I got some reactions to the story.


Samuel - Devil woman story
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:32 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(Where are spirits? bad places, like in tatamond or eseelumand. Should I tell the story? Our grandfathers, Mulil's dad, Jebili's dad the saw a spirit. A woman spirit was on a bad road, I'll tell the story. Mum was at a sandil working on lime, she left and went looking for crabs to cook for us they went. The said they saw a spirit child. Mum said she went to this place, my mum said she saw a crab. They got it. The spirit child came cooked, gave to her and she became big, became a big woman. They looked after her.The real woman got up and they saw and told the guys weeding grass. They got it, one stood up and said "I want to get it", he said like that and they saw and they shot the spirit with a bow. They shot her and no blood flowed, plain water flowed and the spirit went to it's own place in eseelumand. That was a spirit, a spirit child. That's the story We told the spirit child story of our grandparents and parents. -gemind haga, halasi haga- the bad child would have been with them and would clearly be with them and they would have known. If they had married the devil meri they would have produced children with the blood of Satan. They got this wild meri and looked after her, she got big and they wanted to marry her multiple people wanted to marry her and they shot her with a bow and she became wild again, she went back to her place. She died, I don't know)

Sibil - Reaction to hubi story
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:32 p.m. by Steve

Semik - reaction to hubi story
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:32 p.m. by Steve

David - Reaction to hubi story
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:32 p.m. by Steve