Talking about creation and spirits

last edited April 9, 2024, 11:04 a.m. by Steve

5-2 Cosmology & Mythology 5-1 Gods & Spirits


Sibil started talking in Tok Pisin comparing the creation of the spirits to the creation of man


Sibil - Creation of man and spirits
last edited April 9, 2024, 11:04 a.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(people are a little different, God made us with his hands and put the spirit and thinking inside. God spoke and created angels and the world, and afterwards he made man to care for all these things. God promised that man was his child, but the talk was ignored and they wanted to be over God - they also tricked the man to do the same. They broke God's talk and now people have a hevi, we die. Before there was no death, but death came. God promised to Adam that if he broke the talk he would die, and so now we die. The angels won't die, they were there before, but we men who broke the talk will die. I'm just speaking out loud, you reminded me of things. Do we call angels hubi in tok ples? when we say hubi we're not meaning the story about the woman, she was a wild lady. Satan is a spirit, and sometimes he's with me and I listen to the ideas to do bad things, that's Satan. He is thinking. We have two thoughts good ones and bad ones, the bad ones come and go. Speaking cross or fighting is bad thinking, and then good thinking comes back and I say sorry. That work is Satan. Satan is in my thoughts and when I follow him I have to say sorry.)