More questions on sprits

last edited April 11, 2024, 1:40 p.m. by Steve

5-1 Gods & Spirits


  1. hubi nom, hubi hiyol ogoo holoogul hooyom nog agabi, hiyol ogoo hebigondoo ig? (are some spirits more powerful than others?)
  2. megite tugub hubi hoogoot igugund ig? (how do spirits hide?)
  3. mohis hiyol ogoo hubi mena osob igugund ig? (do some people give food to spirits?)
  4. mohis hiyol ogoo igubasabas umo amb igugund ig? (do some people talk to the dead ancestors?)
  5. honn hiyol ogoo hubi mohis sindee yab igugund ig? hubi mojis his hogu oboob mehamonn neleb igugund ig? (do spirits sometimes go inside people and do things?)
  6. megite tugub ig mohis hubi pinot mu egee obug? mohis hutee hubi lagab, megite tugub onn bili egee hann? (how can a man be safe from spirits?)
  7. honn hiyol ogoo mohis hobol hum migemb igugund? endet hotuguee ogoo hobol migemg igugund oo otooloo hum migemb igugund? mohis hobol mu migemb, sangol nom migem igugund? (do people sometimes hear voice from the sky or bush?)


Interview - Sibil, Spirits 2
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:40 p.m. by Steve

Interview- Semik, spirits 2
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:40 p.m. by Steve

Interview - David, spirits 2
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:40 p.m. by Steve