Interviews about sacred objects

last edited April 11, 2024, 1:38 p.m. by Steve

5-3 Sacred Objects & Places


  1. oo mohis hutam amoot "su enn hootom heleb i moogut ogoo teb i" et, moogut nom om megite mee? (a guy told me he understood and so was going into The garden, what did he mean by that?)
  2. hubi nom wog ab yot igugund, endet omboo Eseelumand igugund ig? Womunee igugund ig? (are there places where spirits are in Eseelumand or Womunee?)
  3. pusilim pee agabi ab ogoo igugund ig? agabi endet mohis sindee yaga nom loogooneeng? (are there caves here big enough for people to go in?)
  4. pusilim pee nom ab bili igi oo yot ig? (are they good or bad places?)
  5. mohis hutee imi hupundugee, imi hipundoo nom mohis hobondoo sindee igu ig? (if a guy cuts his hair does the cut hair contain his spirit?)
  6. oo isig yelimee mohis imi endet oboob mehamonn yot neleb agamemind ig? (long ago did sorcerers take that hair and do bad things?)
  7. pusilim nom (show a picture) noonn hooyom ig? klan pusilim oboob hotugunee osila pigemind, pigeb wog musu oboob "sib egee lebinn" hamind. bili migingom ig? (I head this stone was show to the sky to make it rain, did I hear that right?)


Interview - Sibil, sacred objects
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:38 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, sacred objects
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:38 p.m. by Steve

Interview - David, sacred objects
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:38 p.m. by Steve