Interview about social problems

last edited April 11, 2024, 1:35 p.m. by Steve

3-15 Social Problems & Issues


  1. mohis habu yot lambigeb pinot egee ebinn ig? (will a person get a hevi smoking weed?)
  2. nobug hobol drag bodi amb igung. drag bodi nom ab otoloo igugund ig? (are there druggies in the bush?)
  3. mohis hiyol ogoo teme ombul oboob, pinot heb igugund ig? (are there hevis from polygamy?)
  4. inda anamag hutam nom isig heleb, holoogul wig, famili onn tulomb igugund, mena utub igugund. nom bili. honn hiyol ogoo anamag tulumoo mehamonn agabi heleb famili holu igugund ig? (people care for and feed the elderly, but sometimes do people get tired of doing that?)
  5. komuniti pinot om megite mee? pinot hiyol hiyol ogoo hobol amas (what different community hevis are there?)
  6. megite tugub komuniti pinot nom bili tugub igugund? (how does the community deal with that?)
  7. honn hiyol ogoo sinnol wig, moogut mu bili halasi mohis teenn minee umb igugund. Honn hiyol ogoo yog musu oboob endet mohis hutam yot nala ig teenn pinot obong? (when times are bad and people are hungry do they sometimes think that someone did something to cause that for everyone?)


Interview - Sibil, social problems
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:35 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, social problems
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:35 p.m. by Steve

Interview - David, social problems
last edited April 11, 2024, 1:35 p.m. by Steve