God's garden

last edited April 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. by Steve

5-3 Sacred Objects & Places


People talk about going into God's garden as a place of blessing. I asked some people about it. Kavaluku following his talk reinforced it by saying that if Was had heard the talk he wouldn't have died middle aged.


Sekem - God's garden
last edited April 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. by Steve

David - God's garden
last edited April 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. by Steve

Kavaluku - God's garden
last edited April 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

(I've heard the talk being in God's garden. What is that? Is that true talk or a tok piksa? We say that. we're cutting yam gardens, we're in gardens, we're in houses. Tok piksa, the Bible, it's God's food garden, that's the talk. The fence. You hear that talk and we're talking about being in that garden. We do our work, we cut it and then build a garden house, then we're in the garden, we work and look after the food, we see it ready and we eat it. So you hear the Bible and you're in the garden? egee iguwa, yab moogut meginee egee igituwa. It's like this your Bible talk, our language will get and afterwards -will hit us- it hit us, after it'll be clear. put clear it'll be with us and we'll hear the talk, we'll hear and go into the garden. We'll see the true talk, -we'll think right thoughts? you'll inapim our thinking we'll see as true and we'll put the talk God's garden, we hear the talk and see it's true we're in the fence. when you go into the fence will there be no hevis, will you not die or what? we'll go in the fence and we'll be inside. Death will occasionally be there, a brother does something bad he'll die. I'll go in God's fence, God said don't work, don't make hevis - I've broken this talk in the past?- We've gotten these laws, you guys put them there and they are, you will tell us those. don't steal, -don't talk strong/-, -don't leave your wife?-, -don't do something to your brother?-, that talk is there. -I've broken god's talk?- I'm going to hear the talk if you do those things you will die. Death, Adam broke the talk and they died, he died, it's just a few people that go in the fence. There's bad bel with their kids, it's there, Your talk, you'll translate God's talk to our talk, it'll be there and afterwards, if we break the talk there will be death. If someone behaves well they'll get old, they'll go blind, just be on their backs and not go on roads and then they'll die. He says true to the talk and follows it. Someone that doesn't listen dies in the middle. Going in God's fence is like that. Now we're in our gardens and we die. We talk bad, steal, make hevis. When we go into the garden one one time we'll die. Afterwards it'll be like that, you're with us, we'll go and there won't be death, one one, people will see it's true, all say God's talk is true and we'll be, we'll be for a long time liklik, we'll be here on earth for a long time, we'll be blind, just sitting in our houses with our kids caring for us and then we'll die. If we don't listen to Gods word by stealing then we'll die in the middle)

Semik - reaction to Kavaluku text
last edited April 16, 2024, 2:50 p.m. by Steve