Interviews about humour

last edited April 16, 2024, 3:25 p.m. by Steve

3-24 Humor & Wit


  1. nobug hobol "lap" igel hobol om megite mee? "fani" om megite mee? (what is the word for laugh and funny?)
  2. ab ogoo fani mohis igugund ig? nom mohis mogom? (who are funny people here?)
  3. honn hiyol ogoo yog hobol mulinee amasi mohis hutam loogoogiwa, lap iguguma ig? (do you sometimes lie to scare people and laugh?)
  4. yog holoomot humum wondob iguguma, honn hiyol ogoo mohis hutam hot holoogul hum teleb yolu yooguwa mohis teenn lap igugund. nom stoli amee (talk about when someone kicks and misses the ball in soccer and falls down and everyone laughs)
  5. honn hiyol ogoo mohis sinnol pee obugum piguwa, mohis hiyol ogoo onn obugum abagala onn lagab igu ig? (do you sometimes grab someone's hand in a game nest to scare them?)
  6. igel hobol "honnot" musu ombul igu. Hutam nom "wait", ombul nom "klin". mohis hutam nomol ogoo yab, iseb liba yog hobol amb "mohis honnot tebegee" eb? hosisi hobol endet amb iguguma ig? (since honnot has two meanings do you sometimes call someone who has washed a white man?)
  7. mohis hutam mehamonn holu heleb, mu naga. mohis teenn meahmonn nalasi onn pugub igu. Yog mulinee hobol amb "oo mohis mehamonn noloo pugugee yam" ig? (when someone is being lazy do you joke "hard working guy sitting down"?)


Interview - Kavaluku, humour
last edited April 16, 2024, 3:25 p.m. by Steve

Orthographic text

1: 0:00:00 2: 0:01:02 3: 0:02:26 4: 0:05:34 5: 0:08:01 6: 0:12:59 7: 0:15:48

Interview - Dramat, humour
last edited April 16, 2024, 3:25 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Semik, humour
last edited April 16, 2024, 3:25 p.m. by Steve