Questions on marriage

last edited April 29, 2024, 2:22 p.m. by Steve

3-3 Marriage & Family


  1. mohis mey teme ebenim eb, teme bili ebenim eb, teme bili nom moogom? teme bili megite mee neleb igu? (what's a good wife?)
  2. teme palug mohis bili ebenim eb, mohis billi om megite mee? (what's a good husband?)
  3. mohis mey teme oboo, moogom teme ogoo noononn pigeb igugund? mohis mey singu musu salamb igu ig? inda ina nog wog musu pigeb igugund ig? mohis moogom musu hegee "teme nom egee ebinn"? (who gets a say in which woman?)
  4. mohis teme oboob, tambu mee munum wog wosob igu ig? (is there a bride price?)
  5. teme oboo mee munum nom, noononn megitet igu? (how much is it?)
  6. honn hiyol ogoo mohis teme aba, tambu mohis temendum oboob igu ig? (does the brother in law sometimes take a sister?)
  7. mohis hutam teme ombul oboo nom, loogoonenng ig oo wig ig? (is it right to have 2 wives?)


Interview - Ilal, marriage
last edited April 29, 2024, 2:22 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Amon, marriage
last edited April 29, 2024, 2:22 p.m. by Steve

Interview - Set, marriage
last edited April 29, 2024, 2:22 p.m. by Steve